Happy Friday!!!

Well another week has gone by and here we are. But not for long. We are headed to the cottage for some family down time.

The bad news is, I will not be posting anything for a while (no internet connection - insert frowny face here). The good news is that just because I am not posting doesn't mean that I will not be writing. I am "Blog Nesting" big time at the moment. I really feel I need to get the blog in order for when the new little girl joins us.

Some of my goals will be (I say goals because maybe today I feel ambitious - tomorrow maybe not so much. Hard to say where the motivational level will lie in the 3rd trimester):

1. "Educating Our Kids" Posts

2. A Pregnancy Update

3. Therapy Posts

4. Hazel's Birth Story

This will be one of my main goals and 1st priorities. Hazel's birth story has been written and is all down in a version that I am not quite sure I am ready to share. I could probably write an entire book on my pregnancy with Hazel. That is the very difficult part about having a blog that shares such personal info. There has to be a balance with what I share and what I keep. After all, the finer details are what make our memories ours. Although I am excited to share the process with you.

Also, I am acutely aware that this new baby is going to be here very soon and then I will have to write 2 birth stories. So, I will work on getting a version of the story down and share it with you all soon (I hope).


So we are signing off for a while but we will be back with cottage updates very soon. We hope you are enjoying whatever is going on in your life at the moment.



This is her new look lately. I think she knows she has teeth in there now and likes to show them off.



If you are really desperate for a Hazel fix...OF COURSE, I will be updating IG regularly. Feel free to follow along at user name Chasing_Hazel. I might throw some photos up on our Facebook page too!!!

Happy Friday! And happy days ahead...