Happy "You talkin' to me?" Friday

This happened and I absolutely had to share it with you.  

It's no secret that Hazel is "vocal" (and by vocal I mean offensive at times). We recorded Hazel with the iPhone so that she could see and hear herself on it at the same time.

As I was watching her interact with herself, I couldn't help but first off be relieved that she doesn't only talk to me like that. And secondly, (becasue of the trainwreck-ed-ness of her hair), I found myself thinking of the scene in "Taxi Driver" where Robert De Niro is giving the "are you talking to me" speech.

Seriously, here is a pic of him:




And here is Hazel:

Try to imagine her going, "you talkin' to me?"  - "What?"  - "You talking to me?"  -  "There's no one else here, so you MUST be talking to ME!?"


Click here if having trouble viewing



Happiest of Friday's to you all...



Happy Friday!!!

It's a bright and sunny Friday today. I hear that these sunny days are supposed to be more of a regular thing now. Here's to hoping...  



This is the face that she is always making. I think it is a fake smile. I'm not sure if it's like she's throwing me a bone and giving me this look OR if she is being condescending. It's so hard to tell these days.




Happy Friday Everyone!!!




Happy Friday...y'all

fri It has been a great week. No dramas, which is just how we like things around here.

Our friends Chris and Katie got married last week-end, so I think we are all experiencing a bit of a wedding hang over. The day was nothing less than a fairy tale, fully equipped with a gorgeous bride a strapping young groom. We couldn't be more thrilled for them to start a new partnership that will bring many blessings and joy. PURE JOY!!!

Highlight of the week:

Hazel's cousin's, Cooper and Sawyer, sang a song to Hazel via Face Time. The song was "Tonight you Belong to Me," Hazel's favorite. It was one of the sweetest things that I have EVER seen. Plus, Hazel was so into it that every time they stopped she cried for more.



Song of the week:

I and Love and You - Avett Brothers. OBSESSED!!!


I know this pic is blurry but HONESTLY!!!! How could I not share this. This is Hazel all the time. Always looking for trouble, and ALWAYS having fun doing it!!! She is currently not interested in her toys and just goes around the room pulling herself up on everything. EVERYTHING!!! The couch, the chairs, her exersaucer, the dog...you can imagine how that goes over.



One weekend closer to spring, y'all. Get your movies watched and cuddling by the fireplace in before its gone for another year.

Happy Friday!!!




Enjoy your weekend...



Happy Friday

We had a great week!!! The highlight by a landslide was going and talking to the students at the University of Windsor. It was a very rewarding experience for us to be able to tell Hazel's story. More importantly, to educate through personal experience, about Down Syndrome. What made it even better was the audience. They were great!!!

I will post more next week.




Oh...and I thought I would join the cast of "Happy Friday" with this cameo (special guest appearance)




Have a Happy Friday and a peaceful weekend everyone!!!



Happy Friday!!!

So a couple of things... One night this week Hazel had a very serious meltdown. I swore at any given moment the glass from the windows was going to shatter. SO, we immediately decided as any scared, defeated parent would, that the best thing for us all would be for Hazel to go to bed.

Bottle: STAT!!!

Sleep Sack: STAT!!!

Bed: STAT!!!

GET THIS MONSTER DOWN BEFORE WE ALL GET EATEN ALIVE!!! (or something more loving and patient supermom would say instead of what I just said) I'm sorry but when people spot Godzilla in the streets, they run the other way. It's only natural (don't judge me, you've been there).

Turns out she didn't want to go to sleep. She wanted a "win" on her scoreboard. Oh....and she wanted to look at me like this...



Congratulations Hazel on your bedtime refusal win...Mommy is very proud of you (no - not at all).



This is the face she makes when she sees or meets anyone. We will call it her "greeting" face.



Naturally, everyone thinks this face indicates crying will come next. UM....not always. Sometimes, yes, crying comes next.

Most of the time it's just this look. And then I watch as people slink away, feeling like she doesn't like them, or that she might cry. I feel GREAT about it, of course. Not embarrassed at all that people feel she is unapproachable.

The whole interaction reminds me of a prey-predator type response. Like if you approach a Frilled Lizard in nature they give you this look and you immediately go the other way.

Yep - there's that look. To the best of my knowledge she has never bitten anyone or caused any serious physical damage. Maybe just some emotional scarring, which sometimes are the most difficult to heal.



Well, Happy Friday everyone!!! Enjoy your weekend.

I am BEAMING with pride today.




Happy Friday!!!

Here we are, another Friday!!! It's February already.

It's hard to live in the present moment when you are trying to plan an event. Last month flew by. Looking forward to settling in for the next month and enjoying cozy days relaxing by the fireplace. Well, as much relaxing you can do with a baby who is curious.

We do have some exciting events planned for this month. Our dear friends are getting married. Nonna and Gramps are having birthdays. Matt, Hazel and I are going to do a guest lecture at the University of Windsor. We are super excited to meet all our new friends at the U.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!



Happy Big Girl Friday!!!

We have had a bit of a crazy week trying to plan a mini wedding for our girl's 1st birthday. We are blessed to have so many wonderful, supportive friends and family that want to take the time to celebrate Hazel's big day!!! I have been reflecting a lot this past week, with work on the horizon, and the utter shock that Hazel has been around a whole year already. In one short year, we have been through so much. We have faced nightmares, only to wake up to a bright, smiling, chubby little face.

Our girl is strong, healthy and growing (quickly). We could not be more thrilled to hold her hand along the way. I would say that Hazel has fought enough this year to be who she is today. A CELEBRATION is the least we can do to honor her fight.

I think she has earned it!!!




Blessed beyond words...




Happy Friday!!!

So SORRY for the late post.... In the past, Happy Friday has been about giving you something to look at to make you smile. We try to give you a positive image to start your weekends.

This week we will give you something to listen to. Hopefully this will leave you smiling and ready to celebrate another weekend.

Something for your eyes...


Here is a little something for your ears...

(There is no image in this video until the end)

Click here if you are having trouble viewing


Happy Weekend everyone

Love & Peace



Happy New Year Friday!!!

Back to business as usual with a Happy Friday post!!! I am excited to start another year working on Chasing Hazel and quite literally "chasing Hazel!"

Thanks to all our readers and supporters, your love has gotten us through some very challenging and hopeless times over the past year. Your continued loyalty and support has made you all feel like a family. Please know that you are appreciated everyday. Also, feel free to comment on the blog, I would love to know your thoughts!!!

We are moving forward with peace in our hearts and excitement on our minds. You never know what 2013 will bring. I DO know that we have a few things planned that make my heart and mind feel balanced. Year 2 of continuing the Down Syndrome Awareness platform is very exciting. The first year brought so many opportunities, I can hardly wait for this next year!!!

I will keep you updated and included.

Happy New Year everyone!!!



Happy Santa-Baby Friday!!!

All our chores and shopping are done. We are looking forward to spending time with cherished friends and family over the holiday season. Eating, drinking and being merry.

This time of year is usually really busy trying to fit in all our engagements. We are going to try our very best to sit and enjoy each other as much as possible. With our promise to remain present this year, we hope not to miss any important moments worrying about what is on the schedule for the next day, or the next.



Blog posts will slow down over the coming weeks, as we continue to make new memories to share. Seeing as I am obsessed with Instagram, I am sure you can keep tabs on Hazel that way (username - chasing_hazel).


In my attempt to relax and remain present, I may trade my coffee in for a Christmas martini or a glass of vino, you never know...It could happen.


I also plan to look at (and kiss) this face....A LOT!!!



She's such a happy girl. I had to share these!!!




We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!

Happy Friday!!!

Over the past week I have been busted a few times walking around with my iPhone playing Christmas music. I think I might slowly be becoming obsessed. This may shock those of you who know that I didn't put up a tree last year. Good News...Hazel has infiltrated and I actually think I am a little excited this year for Santa to come.

We are loving the "She & Him" and "Wintersong" Christmas albums, along with any rendition of "Baby It's Cold Outside."


One of the people who have busted me listening to said Christmas music was our wonderful neighbour. One of the kindest, most caring couples I am blessed to know. We often wonder how we got so lucky to live next door to such supportive, selfless people who love Hazel and watch out for us as if we were their own. Your presence is so appreciated!!!

If you are from the Windsor area, they are having a jewelry show this weekend at the Legion in Tecumseh (Lesperance Rd). All the jewelry is handmade by him.

Teachers...the earrings make great gifts for your students, very affordable!!!! (I scored a cute pair for the holidays).




We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!

Happy "Flashy" Friday

Why "Flashy" you ask??? Well, we discovered that Hazel makes a very silly face when we try to take a picture of her using the flash. I normally take pics during the day and she doesn't get the bright flash, we had no idea this would be her reaction.




Happy Friday everyone...

We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!

Happy "Beauty and the Beast" Friday

We are all so proud of Zio Brent!!!

We gathered around my mom's last night to watch the episode together. It turned out he was in 2 parts of the episode. I have (with all my high tec knowledge) recorded just his parts on my iPhone and uploaded them here. Just in case anybody missed it.

It was amazing to see him on the screen. We are so proud that he is going out and making his dreams a reality. Amazing!!! We are so glad to share in this victory with you.

Hazel was a trooper right up until the end. She was content just sitting on Daddy's lap playing with Bear.

Keep your eyes open for Mr. March. Kinda hard to miss, he is right in the center!!!


If you are having trouble viewing, click here.

Hazel is definitely crying in the background at this point. It was short lived, she passed out.


If you are having trouble viewing, click here.

Happy Friday

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends!!! Oh, how  jealous we are that you are all eating turkey and all the fixins. This past week we have been thankful to be able to go for a walk outside everyday, even though it is the end of November. Hope you all got to enjoy the beautiful weather somehow too.

Happy Friday Everyone!!!


We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!

Happy Friday...maybe

Here is how Hazel spends a great deal of her time...

She is not crying, just yelling. I like to call it "learning to express herself." Call it what you will...but this is what I call it!!! She will often go from this face to smiling. She is pretty proud of the set of lungs she has.


In honour of Happy Friday, I have attached a photo of her smiling. I love this face. She is smiling so big with her eyes.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!



We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!

Happy Friday!!!

This face... This face makes it all good. She's lucky. When she wakes up for 2 hours (from 2 to 4 am) and she gives me this face, I can somehow muster a little chuckle amongst all the growling.

We are sleeping training at the moment...super fun for those who haven't tried it.



Oh...ok...fine!!! Here is another for good measure...Enjoy a relaxing weekend


Happy Friday!!!

This one was left over from the Halloween photo shoot. The giraffe antlers and ears, actually, kill me...I die!!! Enjoy a sugar high weekend everyone. We will be spending some down time with our families - just eating, drinking vino and enjoying dessert (oh...I hope there's dessert...please let it be cheesecake).

In other news, Hazel now weights 18 lbs 9oz and is 27 inches long!!! She has gained over 5 lbs in 3 months, which is double what a baby normally gains. I think she is making up for lost time!!! According to the paediatrician, Hazel is "just wonderful."

I'm scared she is going to expect me to start sharing my cheesecake....uh oh.

Happy Friday!!!