Happy Friday!!!
/Well another week has gone by and here we are. But not for long. We are headed to the cottage for some family down time.
The bad news is, I will not be posting anything for a while (no internet connection - insert frowny face here). The good news is that just because I am not posting doesn't mean that I will not be writing. I am "Blog Nesting" big time at the moment. I really feel I need to get the blog in order for when the new little girl joins us.
Some of my goals will be (I say goals because maybe today I feel ambitious - tomorrow maybe not so much. Hard to say where the motivational level will lie in the 3rd trimester):
1. "Educating Our Kids" Posts
2. A Pregnancy Update
3. Therapy Posts
4. Hazel's Birth Story
This will be one of my main goals and 1st priorities. Hazel's birth story has been written and is all down in a version that I am not quite sure I am ready to share. I could probably write an entire book on my pregnancy with Hazel. That is the very difficult part about having a blog that shares such personal info. There has to be a balance with what I share and what I keep. After all, the finer details are what make our memories ours. Although I am excited to share the process with you.
Also, I am acutely aware that this new baby is going to be here very soon and then I will have to write 2 birth stories. So, I will work on getting a version of the story down and share it with you all soon (I hope).
So we are signing off for a while but we will be back with cottage updates very soon. We hope you are enjoying whatever is going on in your life at the moment.
This is her new look lately. I think she knows she has teeth in there now and likes to show them off.
If you are really desperate for a Hazel fix...OF COURSE, I will be updating IG regularly. Feel free to follow along at user name Chasing_Hazel. I might throw some photos up on our Facebook page too!!!
Happy Friday! And happy days ahead...
Happy Friday!!!
/In case you run out of fun things to do this long weekend, here are a few suggestions...
1. Beards with bubble baths
2. The song "Big Parade" by the Lumineers
3. Chocolate dipped vanilla ice cream cones
4. Dance parties for no reason
5. Sipping tea on a super comfy love seat in the back yard.
It's the small things.
That's what's in our future. Happy Friday everyone!!!
Happy "guaranteed-to-make-you-smile" Friday
/These pics are sure to make you smile today. Especially this first one. Biggest smile EVER captured on camera by my sister-in-law. Priceless!!!!
Hazel's cousin, Emilia, had her 8th birthday this week. Happy Birthday Emi!!! Hazel had nothing but love, hugs and kisses for her big cousin (and maybe just a little drool - sorry Em). The girls were adorable together (more pics of her special day to come).
Hope you had a great birthday Emi!!!
Happy Friday everyone!!!
Extrememly-Happy-Amazingly-Proud Friday!!!
/We are so extra happy today on this Friday because it marks a year since Hazel's heart surgery. It feels like a moment ago that we were all in Toronto waiting for the big event. If it weren't for the people in this entourage below (and many others), I think I may have jumped off the CN Tower.
It feels like a moment ago that we were so helpless. We could do nothing to change the fate for our girl. She had to take her troops to battle and we had to be there with our armour on.
We sang to her when she wanted to be sang to, we fed her when she wanted to eat, we rocked her and rocked her when she needed to be consoled. We tried our best to make it through with everyone all in one piece.
We kissed, hugged, and cried. And then we started again.
These days, if you look real close, you can still see the scar on her chest. It lays there as a reminder of her fight. It doesn't define her. It doesn't hinder her. It doesn't hold her back or prevent her from getting what she wants.
It frees her.
It's a sign of her strength, her will and her determination to make this "one and only wild and crazy life" the best that it can be. Not only for herself, but for us. Especially for us. She may be the one who bares the scars, but we are the ones who have been mended. We are the ones who are healed.
One year later....
We, literally, could NOT love her more.
Happy Friday indeed!!!
Happy Friday!!!
/I know this pic isn't great quality but I LOVE it!!! Hope you are all enjoying your week. Thank you so much to those of you took the time to read our last post about educating other children about Down syndrome. I was so happy to hear from those of you who provided feedback about the new series that I am going to attempt on the blog. I hope I can do it justice and provide you all with some useful resources. Please feel free to share any and all ideas that you have found helpful.
Also, thank you for sharing the image of Hazel on your social media outlets. We really do appreciate all your love and support.
Happy Friday!!!
Happy Friday!!!
/We have been doing a lot of this in the backyard this week. Temperatures outdoors are leaving us no choice but to let Hazel be free and have fun in the water. Oh well...
You should see her smile when she falls back and makes a huge splash. Awesome!!!
I'm excited for everyone who just started their summer vacations. Hope you have some really fun things planned with your families, friends and pets!!!
Hope you all had a great week. Happy Friday!!!
Happy Friday!!!
/This pic says it all!!! One of my all time favs. Hazel is really coming into her own these days. And by that I mean she definitely has a naughty side. She is starting to really know what she wants. More so, what she DOESN'T want. It's super fun. It is so hard not to laugh at her when she is throwing a fit, or her food, or her toys (am I making my point).
Then I look at this face and can't help but smile and laugh. She's lucky she's cute!!!
Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
Update from London & Happy Friday!!!
/We had a visit to the cardiologist and pediatrician this week. It's been a busy one. 15 months already!!!
The cardiologist in London is extremely happy with Hazel. He is always very excited to see how big she is getting, how much she's changed and just how healthy and happy she looks. Hazel weights 23.5 lbs and is 31 inches long. She is getting so big!!! She spent the visit smiling, waving and blowing kisses to the whole staff, so I'm pretty sure by their laughter and smiles they were quite smitten as well.
We have been blessed with the doctors that Hazel has advocating and watching over her. Our cardiologist (and the staff) genuinely cares for Hazel and we can tell by the way he looks at her. That really is all a parent can ask for. The doctor to CARE about their child. It seems as though he treats her like she's his own, it's like he's protective over her. LOVE!!!
The last thing he said to us was that seeing Hazel made his day. Until next time...
Gratitude & Love
Happy Friday!!!
/This morning we had to errands to run. Errands to run with a baby is definitely harder than errands to run with no baby.
Here's how it started...
I went to put an appropriate outfit on Hazel and noticed that she had a poopy butt. I proceed to change said poopy butt, while simultaneously talking to my Nonna and Nonno on the phone, and Hazel got one her her legs free from my grip. Any of you who have changed a diaper before would know the ramifications of dropping a foot near or on a poopy diaper. Let's just say, one thing led to another and she literally had poop up and down both her legs in a matter of 10 seconds. I think my exact words to my grandparents were,
So, in the bath she went. Oh yes, and I must mention, she is going through a phase where she HATES the bath. All of it, the whole process. She screams the second her toes hit the water to the second she comes out, gets a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and all the sudden all is right in the world. She chats it up with herself like she's the happiest she's been.
So...I get her dressed and ready, socks, shoes, sweater, hat. I go get myself ready, shoes, sweater (oops...too small...big belly. Try sweater #2...again too small...this is fun). Anyway, I am ready. I go to get Hazel, who has been crying and whining the whole time I was not with her, and her shoes and hat are off and she's working on getting the socks off.
NO, NO we are NOT!!! I need to get stuff done and we are going!!! I am in control here!!! (right???)
Long story short, we went and Hazel was in a great mood. We got all our errands accomplished and I feel very productive. I always experience this incredible sense of pride when I accomplish things in public with a child. I am really quite scared to have to juggle 2. I imagine the sense of pride when you can actually do it is worth it.
Plus, I got to look at this face the whole time we were out. And there was giggling, lots and lots of giggling (from both of us). Here is a video!
Happy Friday!!!
(Cut on her nose is from a recent "Dive-Bomb" incident. Dive-bombing is her other new thing. She thinks it's great when she doesn't hit her nose on the cement)
Patience & Pride
Happy Friday!!!
/As you may, or may not remember we are in Barcelona on a mommy-daddy vacation. I literally cannot spend a moment writing about how much I miss my girl or the emotional flood gate will open and Matt will have to deal with a hot mess for the rest of the day. I WILL NOT do that to him. There is just something about being pregnant that when the tears start they NEVER stop. So I'm going to do what any sane person would do and repress my emotions and hope it doesn't lead to a prolonged relationship with a therapist in the future. Happy Days!!!
Here is Hazel the morning before we left. Don't think I wasn't tempted to zip up that suitcase and try to explain to the airport security why there was movement and strange sounds coming from inside.
Love & Longing
Happy Friday!!!
/Last night at bedtime, Hazel fell asleep in my arms. It doesn't happen often and sometimes when it does, there is a list of chores running through my head that still need to get done. OR...I just want to lay my butt down on the couch, watch a show and chill. Which ever makes me sound more like "super-mom" is the one I do. Super-mom...ugh...I'm not a fan of hers. I digress... I was sitting rocking Hazel, looking down at her perfect little face as she slept. I noticed how heavy she is now, how big her little hands are when they wrap around my finger, how long her hair is getting, the bruises she has from being a toddler. And the tears, they started to build. I started thinking about how these days of rocking her to sleep are numbered. How she is going to be 16 one day. And especially, about how it all goes by so fast.
The tears almost got outta control mommy style (y'all know how it is) and then I thought...
In this moment she is small. RIGHT NOW I am rocking her to sleep, RIGHT NOW she fits into my arms perfectly, RIGHT NOW she is my baby. That is where I choose to be...right now.
Just a gentle reminder as we head into our weekend to remain present and enjoy living for RIGHT NOW!!!
Here is what I wake up to EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Happy Friday!!!
Happy Friday!!!
/There's nothing like coming home after a vacation. Sleep in your own bed, your own shower, look outside and see huge gusts of wind, rain and YUCK!!! BOOOOOOOO!!!! The weather in Florida made it tough to want to come home, but I guess I can look at the pics...sigh. Hazel loved floating around in the pool and here is the smile to prove it.
Hope this brightens your Friday!
Happy Friday everyone!!!
Happy Friday (on Saturday)
/Since we are blogging from Florida this week, I must say the blog is falling on the floor. What is not falling on the floor is: going shopping, visiting Downtown Disney (and a certain very special princess, Lilly) and lounging by the pool.
Hazel is having a blast.
I think it is impossible to imagine, but I love her more now than I did before. She has been such a champ about all the changes your first vacation together brings (ie. LOOOOOOONG day of travel day 1, and since then a lot of naps in the stroller and the car, late bedtimes and total stimulation all the time). She has been such a happy, content little girl to just go with the flow (oh...AND...she's sleeping through the night). She never ceases to amaze!!!
(Little does she know, if she was naughty, the family vacations would stop completely. Smart girl!!)
Hope you all enjoyed your week!!!
Happy Friday
/Happy Good Friday!!! We hope you have a great Easter celebrating with your families, friends or simply just taking a few days away from work. Enjoy!
We need a favour:
Baby Annie needs some good-ol'-fashion-Chasing-Hazel LOVE and SUPPORT. She is 6 months old and going for heart surgery on April 1st. Annie needs some prayers and positive energy sent to her and her family. You can see a pic and read more about Baby Annie here. Her mom writes a beautiful account of meeting her new baby and all the blessings that Annie has brought to her life so far.
While you are sitting around your tables this weekend, or when you are taking a quiet minute to yourself, please try to remember Annie and send her strength and love.
You are going to do great Annie, we are all thinking about you. Good luck baby girl!!!
Please feel free to leave a comment here to let the family know you are thinking of them. It helped us tremendously to know you were all behind Hazel when she was going through her heart surgery. Thanks everyone!
Strength & Love
Happy Post WDSD Friday!!!
/Thank you to those of you who helped us to spread the word yesterday!!! World Down Syndrome Day is a very special day in this house and will continue to be every year. It is a day to celebrate and be thankful for all the blessings we have been given. And we did just that. I spent the whole day playing, reading, teaching, kissing, hugging, and singing to my girl.
Also, it is an important day for raising awareness. I can't tell you how much it means to us that you checked into the blog yesterday, sent me pictures of your socks or other ways that you appreciated your gifts yesterday.
I am hopeful for the future, in that our society will be a great deal more accepting and understanding of individuals with Down Syndrome. Every World Down Syndrome Day that passes we get that much closer to a world that will appreciate my daughter for exactly what she is and what she has to offer.
Many blessings...