Group Hug Apparel
/Do you have your Group Hug Apparel t-shirt yet?
It was such a pleasure to meet Andrew and his mom, Karen. They were selling t-shirts to raise money for a little girl in need of a heart transplant. Hazel instantly fell in love with Andrew. She immediately outstretched her arms to him and was trying to kiss him on the mouth. It was pretty cute.
Their booth was set up at Colasanti's, a local Tropical Garden. So we went out to get our Group Hug Apparel ON... (literally - we put it on while we were there).
Part of Andrew's inspiration to sell t-shirts is to help "sick kids." Andrew knows what it's like to have a heart surgery or two and wants to help kids in any way that he can. He says that it is "important to help people."
This video tells a little bit of their story, including a history of why they started Group Hug Apparel. Every time I watch the part where Karen says that she is proud of Andrew, tears well up in my eyes. It is an overwhelming feeling to know that your child can accomplish so much, even though the odds may seem stacked against them. You make us all proud, Andrew!!!
Also, if you have a Group Hug shirt and would like to send me a picture of you wearing it, I would love to post it on the blog. You can send it to, with the subject line "Group Hug". Also, I know Andrew always wants to see where his shirts ended up. Feel free to jump over to his Facebook page and "like" it and share your pics with him.
Congratulations Andrew on all your accomplishments!!!
Embracing difference is so empowering.
Acceptance & Peace...
1st of many...
/As promised here are some (and I mean only some) of the photos of Hazel's 1st birthday party. There are so many I had to narrow it down, and there are still at least 20 on here, maybe 25...
Love everything about the next pic. You all know how ridic it can be to try to get a family shot where everyone is looking and MUST be smiling. Well here is one of our attempts. I happen to love it more than if we were all looking with smiles.
So here is the default...which I also LOVE!!!
I love her SO SO SO much...I can't even stand it sometimes!!!!
Them together makes mamma very happy.
Only some of the friends and family that came to celebrate with us.
Some homemade gifts...the best kind!!!
Stella wanted Hazel to have a scrapbook filled with a picture from every month since her birth. Such a beautiful keepsake for Hazel to have.
Doin' some crafts...
Eatin' some jellybeans...
Blowin' out candles...
As you can see here, Hazel was not very happy with her cake OR the candle OR the cheerful singing. She did not even attempt to eat or smash her cake. She screamed like she was on fire and then we took her out and promptly had Uncle Bart put her for a nap.
Our faces...
Takin' a nap...
Hazel is 1...sounds weird still.
We are thankful to all who could attend, but totally understand those that could not. Although a bit chaotic with 25 kids, it was a joy to see all the kids play together and enjoy an afternoon together eating, doing crafts, causing mischief and laughing the whole time. I just hope the parents thought it was a joy as well!!!
We are blessed. Thank you everyone for being such a positive presence in Hazel's life and supporting all that she does.
Love & Peace
Happy Birthday Uncle Bart!!!
/Hazel and Uncle Bart have a birthday only days apart. Must be why they love each other so much!!!
Hazel was a bit of a handful while celebrating Uncle Bart's birthday but we made the best of it. Hazel loves her Uncle Bart to pieces and would not have missed his celebration for anything.
Happy Birthday Uncle Bart!!! Hazel hopes you had a great one!!!
All 4 girls...just makes sense.
Here's to many more...
Grace Nightingale needs help
/Hazel is hoping to head out today and lend her support to little Grace, who is awaiting a heart transplant. Andrew of Group Hug Apparel is going to be there donating the proceeds to Grace for her upcoming surgery. If you are in the neighborhood try to stop in and check it out. We are hoping the weather co-operates so that we can go too!!!
Good Luck Grace!!!
Here is the ad...
Grace is in need of a Heart Transplant and Andrew will be selling his shirts at Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens Feb 2nd 2013 to help support Grace Nightingale and her family. Read more about Grace by clicking on the link. If you are interested in stopping by that day, we would love to see you.
The Atmosphere
/I am very excited to share the "vintage baby inspired" style of Hazel's first birthday celebration with you!!!
I must admit I am normally not a 'bake cupcakes' kind of gal, but I found myself totally consumed with making sure every detail of Hazel's celebration was perfect.
So, I baked - cupcakes - like a million. Well, not a million but what's the difference between 100 and 1,000,000 besides a few hundred I right? I digress...
I did see to many of the details, but I would be lying if I said I did it alone.
This event was a joint effort between Tiff from Vita Photography, Paula from BellaluluBaby and myself. These two wonderful ladies just so happen to be Hazel's family, so they were very eager to help organize the big day. They had some great ideas, that made the day a perfect representation of Hazel's 1st year. I couldn't have done it without them!
Fabric Garland
An amazing idea found on Pinterest. It was SUPER easy, affordable and bright. I used some scrap fabric from Paula, as well as some from the clearance section of the local fabric store. It took no time at all to do and it had such a huge impact. It is difficult to plan a party with color when you are stuck indoors because of the climate here in January. The Garland added such a punch of color to the event. The best part is, it will now be used as a colorful addition to Hazel's room.
Thanks for the idea, Tiff!!!
The centerpieces were made and designed by Tiffany. They were a gorgeous addition to the room adding both depth and color. And again filling the white space with color and warmth.
The rest was easy. Pretty napkins with plates and cutlery to match and DONE!!! Lace tablecloths are always beautiful and add such an elegant feel.
Pics of Hazel actually at the party...coming soon.
Until then...
Happy Birthday Hazel!!!
/Today at 9:55am our girl turned 1!!!
A time to celebrate and reflect on how much has happened this year. Reliving all the moments of the exact same 24 hours this time last year. So much growth and shifting perspectives, its overwhelming to think about. So much has changed, I barely recognize this little face that struggled and fought so hard in the beginning.
If I am being honest, I just can't find the words to express how I feel now. I am staring at the screen with my fingers over the keyboard and nothing will translate. My mind is racing...
For now, here are some pics of Hazel this morning at exactly 9:55am.
Hazel has come so far and overcome so much!!!
Love, love, love...
Skating Party 2013
/Daddy had his annual Seguin Financial Group skating party.
This was the first year Hazel could attend. Last year we were in the hospital in London trying to do everything we could to keep her growing in my belly as long as possible.
This year we spent the afternoon introducing Hazel to those who were extremely supportive to us last year when Daddy couldn't be there to entertain his guests. We were so blessed that Matt's clients, who feel a lot more like family now, were so understanding and empathetic towards his absence last year. Thanks so much to those who sent positive thoughts and prayers our way during the most scariest time in our lives.
Most importantly, THANK YOU from the bottom of MY heart for supporting my husband while he was being a rock for both Hazel and I.
All making the same face....this picture is the best!!!
Chattin' it up with the other babies...
Lovin' her Auntie Paula, as usual.
Cuddles for some new friends...
No comment...
We celebrated all our skaters.
Those who have been practicing and are getting very confident on the ice...
...and those who are just learning.
Some who leaned on their families or friends for support, even if it was just for a second...
And I promise you there was a moment. These 2 made it happen as they were doing laps around the rink.
It was a split second in time. One of those moments that you will NEVER catch on camera. One that you witness, one that you feel.
Like you know on the movies, when the boy and the girl fall in love and the background fades away and the world seems like it's spinning around them - for them? Refer to ANY chick flick EVER, and you will see what I mean.
That was it...the moment between Hazel and Daddy. The world fell away and it was just them gazing and smiling at each other, doing laps around the rink.
It was magic. She ADORES him!!!
Thanks to all who could attend the event this year. We were so glad to share some quality family and friend time with you!!!
Until next year...
Grace is 9!!!
/We celebrated with a dear friend. Happy 9th Birthday, Grace!!!
For those that remember, Grace was the little girl I wrote about in March of last year, who had a very serious condition (AVM) that resulted in 4 brain surgeries in only a weeks time. We are thrilled to say that she is doing wonderful and no permanent damage was done. Grace has baffled the doctors with her flawless recovery and continues to grow and get stronger everyday. Another miracle!!!
Oh...and they got Phineas for Christmas. So adorable!!!
Practicing her new moves. Soon she will be the one dancing...sigh.
Matt challenging the girls in a friendly dance competition.
Little N3lla's Triple Crown
/I wanted to share something with my Chasing Hazel family. If you have been reading a while, you might remember my mentioning Kelle Hampton (once or twice, or three times - whatever don't judge me). She has been a huge influence in the Down Syndrome community since the birth of her daughter Nella. Her charisma and passion for raising awareness for individuals with Down Syndrome is admirable.
If you have not yet visited her blog, wait until you have some time, grab a coffee (or whiskey tea - whatever- I won't judge you) and enjoy.
For now, Nella is trying to raise money for the National Down Syndrome Society.
Every year for her birthday, Kelle celebrates by reaching out to her readers and asking them to support the cause. Over the past 2 years, they have raised over $200, 000. This year they are at it again with a new goal. They would like to have a grand total of $300,000. Anything helps!!!
Click HERE to find out more about how you can help support...
N3lla's Triple Crown
Gratitude & Peace
Meeting Enable Haiti
/The holidays allowed us just enough down time to go and shake hands with the exceptional man and women that started the ENABLE Haiti charity here in our local community.
Jim and Heather Scott, started this charity in hopes to make a difference in the lives of 400 orphans living in Haiti. These children have nothing. Their villages are impoverished. There is not enough food, clean water, or supplies to sustain any quality of life for its inhabitants. When Chasing Hazel readers heard there was a need for toys for these orphans, you all stepped up and gave generously.
Jim and Heather were ecstatic about the contribution from Chasing Hazel readers. They were extremely thankful for our help. I was like a proud mamma in there, proud of more than just Hazel, but of all of you.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!
While we were there, Jim and I had a brief conversation that had me choking back tears.
He told me about a girl in Haiti who was born with a club foot. Poor thing was dragging herself around on the ground to get from one place to another. Jim happened to have a few leg braces to try on her, just to see if one would fit. Lucky enough for her they found one that worked. He said, it was by no means a perfect fit. Jim explained to me that, as she was practicing walking with her new support, her smile extended from ear to ear.
She looked up at Jim and said,
"Thank you so much, now I can go to the bathroom all by myself!!!"
(start choking back tears now)
Then she looked at him and said, "Do you think next time, maybe, I could have my own tooth brush and tooth paste?"
(cue feeling like a brick landed on my chest and start swallowing back tears)
We are blessed my friends, we are blessed.
ENABLE Haiti, if you are ever looking for somewhere to bring those extra items that are piling up in your homes.
Contact me anytime.
Anything goes.
Everything is appreciated!!!
Love & Peace
My 1st Christmas...and I mean mine not Hazel's
/Finally, the last of the Christmas series posts...
I know I am biased but this one just so happens to be the best of them all. You'll see...
I have looked at these pictures at least a dozen times, trying to relive every moment. Capturing each memory so that I never forget the amount of joy and serenity this particular morning held. Remembering every facial expression, every laugh, every crinkle, every smile, every frown, what toys Hazel liked, and those she didn't. How her smile could have lite all the lights on the tree just by looking at it. Trying to permanently imprint the mood, the images, into my brain. The calm excitement that surrounded us that morning.
I am a believer, I have seen the light.
This was my 1st Christmas as much as it was Hazel's.
This toy was her favourite!!!
So, with National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on in the background, and our new Christmas pajamas on, we laid on the floor with Hazel and Nico and took our time enjoying her curiosity and interest in every gift. If she wanted time to play and explore we relaxed and watched her take it all in (something I hope to instill in her as she grows).
We enjoyed coffee and our traditional Christmas breakfast Panettone, mozzarella, clementines, and freshly sliced mortadella. It may sound weird but it is the perfect breakfast for the occasion. Light and satisfying.
Yes Nico got presents too!!! She turned 6 on Dec 24th AND it was Christmas.
Hazel's first doll...Cici. I think they are going to be good friends.
I have no idea how we were able to get the co-operation of Hazel (with a smile) and Nico (looking at the camera), but in the end there's this...
and it's all that really matters.
Peace & Love
A Christmas Blend...
/In an attempt to wrap up our Christmas coverage, I have created one post with tons of pics (and lots of different family and friends). I still have one more post from our Christmas morning. Santa came and he was kind.
One of the reasons I started this blog was to keep people informed and up-to-date about Hazel's health.
Another reason, was (is) to raise awareness about those with Down Syndrome.
Lastly, I keep this blog as a scrapbook for Hazel. This is her baby book, it will help her remember. It will help me to share these memories with her as she grows (and maybe I - let's say - forget).
So, that as a disclaimer, here are the rest of the wonderful visits we had with family and friends.
Christmas at the cottage with the family. Aunt Linda...
Cousins Tara & Dan...
Cousins Maddy & Morgan join the girls...
Christmas with more Aunties and Uncles...
This globe was a HUGE hit with Hazel.
Dear friend Allie Belle.
Love you like you are my own blood. I treasure every moment I am with you - EVERY SECOND actually.
Clutching a BellaLuluBaby blanket made especially for her out of her momma's clothing. I snatched the clothes when we cleaned out her room at hospice. My heart broke in a million pieces at the thought of having to hand this tragic gift over to such a young baby girl. I had a nervous feeling in my gut until the moment she peered inside the bag. Allie reached her hands in and pulled it out of the bag. She held it close to her chest in a huge embrace and smiled so BIG.
We did good BellaLuluBaby...we did good.
Love & Peace
Big Ol' Christmas Shenanigans
/Here's a little look at a good ol' fasion Italian family Christmas. These pictures only represent some of the clan. I tried my best to get everyone but time did not allow me to complete the mission.
Let me break it down...
Children wrestling
People laughing
...and there you have it!!!
This is one of may favourite pictures of all. I just love how natural and content they all look.
My attempt at a Kelle Hampton inspired picture. I am not worthy!!!
Finally, all 4 2012 babies in one room. Archer, Hazel, Monroe and Heston. Love that there is always one baby crying. It is perfectly flawed.
Hazel's turn...
Archer's turn...
Monroe's turn...
This is only half of us...
Christmas Eve...
/Hazel was looking perfect in her gorgeous dress from Mim.
Hazel's first Christmas eve was spent being cradled in the arms of her loving family.
Our evening was filled with lots of good conversation, laughs and delicious food.
This pic is the best!!! All 4 girls...
The generosity of our family was overwhelming. Hazel had was thrilled to touch, crinkle and pull the paper out of the bags to reveal the treasure that lie within. She enjoyed ripping paper and playing with toys. She was so genuinely interested and amused to see what was hidden under all the red and green paper. We couldn't help but watch, smile and revel in her joy. It was contagious.
These next 3 pics fill my heart with peace. What else could a girl ask for. I have the most PERFECT family!!!
Hazel's kisses are frequent these days. She will often reach out to grab our face, lean in and plant a sloppy one with full lip to lip contact. Sometimes she lingers a little too long and sometimes she uses her tongue. It is what it is...
You know those moments in time that once they're past, you would do just about anything to have just one second of it back, just once. That is what these kisses will one day be for me. I will take all that I can possibly get while she is keen on giving them out. I smile through each one, get a good look at the look in her eye and take a mental picture that I can carry with me forever. Love is not a big enough word to describe how I feel about every single sloppy kiss I get.
Off to Nonna's house to celebrate and snuggle some more. Hazel was such a trooper that night. Up until midnight and not one meltdown.
Even Allie was sneaking in her kisses!!!
Hazel was in her glory opening new and interesting gifts all night long.
It was a perfect night, filled with perfect people and, most importantly, a PERFECT baby!!! There were so many smiles to be had, my face hurt as I laid my head down on my pillow and anxiously awaited Santa's arrival.
Peace & Love
1st Christmas of many
/Please bare with me....I will keep you inbox's flooding over the next week or so with a recap of Hazel's first Christmas and the many blessings we have been given. We have not taken anything for granted this year and have done our best to stay present and enjoy the moment.
Here is one of the many things we have enjoyed over the holiday season.
The dress...(one of the dresses!!!)
Happy New Year to everyone!!!!! Please enjoy responsibly.
2012...Best. Year. Ever.
Our wish
Merry Christmas!!!
We sincerely wish you all PEACE this holiday season.
Enjoy EVERYTHING!!! Food, drink (responsibly), dessert, friends, family, children, dogs, cats...everything. Be present in all that you do.
My PEACE is right here...
So I may have made them sit in front of the tree together so I could get a nice shot of them, BUT I certainly didn't make them do the perfect thing to make my heart sing and smile. LOVE!!!
Christmas season happenings...
/Here are a few pics of some of what has been going on while we prepare for Christmas.
A get-together at Nonna's.
I don't know if you recognize that guy in the background. Super famous Zio Brent, who appeared in an episode of Beauty and the Beast recently
We are so happy to have made time to go and visit the place where it all began.
Without the constant, steady and optimistic encouragement from everyone at the docs office, we would have abandoned hope long before our dreams came true. They stayed the course and made such an extremely difficult and mind altering time, both before and during the pregnancy, so much easier to tolerate. We had the best team a couple could ask for. They watched out for not only me, but our little nugget too. We always felt at ease knowing that these people were in our corner. Our gratitude is endless...infinity even. We will forever be in their debt. We cherish the relationship we now have. It was born out of blood, sweat and tears (literally).
Note: We were at the office for 45 minutes and this lovely lady didn't put Hazel down once, AND she kept working!!!
Hazel got her first ever annual Christmas dress from Mim. Mim has been buying the girls their dresses since Stella was born. I was so excited to finally have one for our baby girl. The dress is gorgeous!!!
Thank you so much Mim. You put so much effort into making sure the dress is absolutely perfect, and you haven't failed to deliver. I can't wait to see what my girl looks like when she is all dressed and ready for Santa. We love you!!!
(The rest of you will have to wait until she wears the dress to see pics of it. Here are a few of her opening the gift.)
So we all got sidetracked by this poinsettia. Can you blame us???
Hazel visits with Santa
/Here they are...
Stella, Emi, Lilly, Owen, Hazel and Monroe in the traditional every-kid-everywhere-has-to-do-this-at-Christmas Christmas photos with Santa. We decided to make it a family affair. It was a little hectic but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I love that our kids will grow up with these memories. They are learning about traditions and family. I can almost hear the conversations in 25 years between them - "Remember when our moms dressed us up, dragged us to the mall and made us sit together with Santa?" this just motivates me even more to be that-mom-that-drags-her-kid-to-the-mall-to-sit-on-Santa's-lap-with-her-cousins.
Of course we had to get a couple of just Hazel. She was a happy little girl and gave lots of smiles. No playing strange with Santa yet so it was a great experience all guarantees next year.
She kept turning around to get a better look at who was holding her.
Turns out she was ok with it.
Hope Santa brings you all peace this season...