Labour Day 2013

We have 2 really cool traditions that we have started with our families to celebrate Labour Day Weekend. ld4


The first is a family day out at the cottage.

What's so great about it, is that it's a day where my family and Matt's family get to spend the afternoon catching up after a busy summer. Also, it's at the cottage. That always makes things better.



This is Hazel's new obsession (I posted a video on IG with Matt's IG account @seegs34 - check it out). She is like a little pro with this ribbon, walking all around and swinging her little arms. So very entertaining to watch. Nice find Auntie Paula!


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These 2...Love it!



She is doing really well at learning not to hit and to be nice. This is her nice face. She still hits but it's only like a quarter of the time she used to - not bad right? Yikes! Not to worry we are very careful that the dogs are treated fairly and justly by Hazel.




The second event is now officially being called...



Our annual Venice Dinner.


Here is the post from last year's dinner. It gives you more detail into where this dinner Venice.

We honour our quest for finding the biggest tomato that ever existed to celebrate the event. This year we got it from one of our Zia's who grew it herself. This tomato can definitely hold it's own when compared to the original. It's the closet we have gotten since the actual Venice tomato. Thank you Zia, you are amazing!!!

Here she is...


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Our new little faces from last year are not so little anymore...


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Also, I DID NOT get the memo that we should all wear our "hammer pants" to the event. But somehow Hazel did!!! Believe it or not this was not planned with any of the girls. Synchronicity at it's best, I suppose. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE!



This year there were talks of an anniversary trip back to Venice. We are thinking 10 year anniversary, so 5 years from now!!!! WOOT!!!!



Remember Enable Haiti???



Remember when we did the toy drive here on Chasing Hazel for ENABLE HAITI?

It has been a while since you so generously donated the brand new toys that were shipped over to the orphanages in Haiti in February. We were overwhelmed with the generosity that Chasing Hazel supporters and readers demonstrated. You are wonderful people!

Things take a little longer than expected sometimes when dealing with a country that is volatile at the best of times. Jim and his team are some of the most determined, courageous people that I know. Going to a country like Haiti, personally, to hand out each and every item donated is something that I commend and hold in the highest regard. They are not afraid of what they might come up against, despite the civil unrest experienced in Haitian society. I am honoured to have been able to help out via Chasing Hazel and with all of you!

I hope you all know how much you are appreciated for your kindness.



Here is a follow up email that I got from Jim upon his return to Canada, including some pics of the experience (Jim is in the yellow shirt). What an absolutely amazing event we have taken part in...




Hello All,

My team of 3 and I traveled to Haiti in May to host a Christmas Party for our children at the orphanage. It was an absolutely wonderful experience as our children, ages 1 to 16, opened their first ever new Christmas presents. Their smiles, the laughter and complete joy filled the entire orphanage. They sang beautiful songs of thanks to us. It wasn’t the easiest of trips as we were stuck in Haiti an additional 6 days due to some unrest and Gang Activity in the area that kept us holed up in our hotel for a few extra days. However, in the end everything worked out wonderfully for our Christmas Party.

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We collected new items including toys, hygiene products, books, clothes and shoes during the first few months of 2013. We packed them up in a 40 foot container and along with 53,000 lbs. of canned goods & pasta and we shipped them off to Port Au Prince. We brought along a lot of other much needed supplies such as cooking oil, soaps & detergents, bedding, medical supplies, bicycles, diapers, French books & school supplies, milk bag sleeping mats, towels and lines, soccer balls & uniforms and water purification drops as a result of your generous donations.




All of these items were distributed to our 2 orphanages, our 2 remote mountain settlements, our hospital and Rehab Center. These items have made a huge positive impact in the lives of some very needy people in Haiti. And by the way, although these Haitians have no real material goods, they would gladly give you the shirt of their backs. They are truly beautiful people.



Your heart & dedication to our cause is the reason we are able to do what we do. Without your support ENABLE Haiti, now a registered Not-For Profit, would never have been formed by us. It allows us to do some pretty incredible work in Haiti, a country that just never seems to get a break. We will continue to build schools, support our orphans and remote camps and our hospital and Rehab Center. We will continue to do the things necessary to Enable Haiti, including establishing organic vegetable farms and chicken farms. Our wish is to provide the materials and the skills for our people in Haiti to support themselves through farming, education, sewing and other trades. It will be wonderful when we can send our first special child to post-secondary schooling. That will happen in the not too distant future and it will be a wonderful accomplishment. We promise to continue to dedicate our time and efforts in Haiti to make their lives better than they are today.


We are in need of:

  • Good conditioned clothing and shoes
  • Hygiene products
  • Rice and pastas
  • Cooking oils
  • Dried black beans
  • New bedding & towels
  • Kitchen supplies
  • French books
  • Light bulbs
  • Batteries

From the bottom of my heart I thank you sincerely for your acts of kindness.




With Warm Regards



If you happen to be cleaning out a closet or 2, please feel free to drop off any items that you think can be of assistance for the folks in Haiti.

You can drop off your donation here between the hours of 9 & 4:

Seguin Financial 3200 Deziel Dr. Suite 210 Windsor, On N8W 5K8
In the Greenwood Center, just south of central off the expressway.

Or feel free to e-mail me and I will gladly arrange a pick up for your items.

Thanks again everyone for your continued support!!!





Family Gender Reveal

So I know we had our own gender reveal event, but we couldn't just come right out and tell our families, now could we? We decided (well, I decided and Matt went with it) to have a little fun with the reveal.




The answer lies in the boxes.


As you know it's a girl, so pink candy it was.



Getting ready to open the boxes...



They know...



I just love this pic so much. It's perfect!!!



We've had the opportunity to have a surprise in the delivery room and now, to find out ahead. Both experiences were great for us! I love the idea of a gender reveal being something that I could be a part of. When we had Hazel, Matt went off like a proud Papa to inform the family while I was still in the delivery room, so I missed the reaction. This way I got to be there and share in that moment with everyone. It was a blast!!!


Happy Monday!!!



Happy Canada Day!!!

WOW!!! Better late than never I guess. We did celebrate Canada Day again this year with very close friends and delicious food.



We took a dip in the pool.



Hazel was NOT exempt from being tortured by the water gun, just like all the other kids (and adults and pregnant girls).



Loved on little's and played with friends.





Snuggled into perfectly cozy little spots, curled up and waited for the fireworks.




Hazel LOVED the fireworks!!! Lots of "Ooooo's", "Awwwww's", and "WOW's". In the end, she cried in between while waiting for the next firework to be lit.

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It was so much more fun this year to have Hazel actually be a part of the event. Last year she missed the firework party all together. She just gets to be more and more fun as she gets older!!!

We want to wish all our American readers a Happy Belated 4th of July!



It's a... I am just going to put it right here at the beginning. If you just CAN'T wait, scroll to the bottom to find out (but come back to the top to see how it all unraveled). I think the progression of pics is pretty funny.


Who is this handsome lad? What is he doing in the reveal post you ask? Well...this is, Jay, the lighting model for the reveal photo shoot. I think he's cute.



Jay belongs to Heidi, who was the first to know and arrange the reveal for Matt and I. Here's her reaction to the news...




The moment of truth...I DIE!!! You can tell instantly when I know...





Matt knows...










IT'S A GIRL!!!!!






We told Hazel she's going to have a sister.




Now I can tell you how we feel about having 2 girls. We COULD NOT be happier!!!

I was genuinely shocked when the docs told me Hazel was a girl. I was convinced we were having a boy for the entire pregnancy. This time, I was CONVINCED it was a boy. I am not quite sure why but I always just felt like we were going to be parents to boys. We opened the little box and much to my surprise, there was a pink candy. Talk about shocked!!! Knowing I would be skeptical, I had the ultrasound tech give us a pic of the baby's goods, just so I could be sure.

YUP...It's a girl!!!

With every single day that passes more excitement grows in my heart that Hazel (and the new baby) get to have a sister. They can grow old together and nurture each other in only the ways that girls know how. They can fight over clothes, and toys, and everything, just as sisters do. The important part is that they will look out for each other. They will understand each other in only the way that sisters can. They will grow old together. Supporting each other in challenging times, leaning on each other in times of despair and laughing with each other in times of joy. They will always have each other - no matter what.

What could possibly make a mother feel more at ease and content? We are bursting to share this baby with Hazel and we thank the Lord and the universe everyday for this new baby girl.


Have a great week everyone!!!



Tragedy in Oklahoma

The devastating tragedy that is going on right now in Oklahoma really is unacceptable. There is too much loss, too much destruction, too much sadness. These candles were lit in Tibidabo Church in Barcelona when we were there. There is something about candles being lit on Holy ground that makes us feel hope, light and faith. I share this picture with you in hopes that together we can take a minute to reflect, pray and empathize with those that have faced such a terrible reality. We can hope for them to rebuild, to find peace and to overcome such horrible loss.



I am one of those people, I really don't like to look. So I change the channel, or skip past the photos of destruction and loss.

But that's not really fair is it? Why shouldn't I look?

It's the least that I can do, really. I don't have to live it. We are fortunate enough that it is not a reality for us. We did not face this travesty. We did not lose anything. I am going to look at the very sad images and take a minute to empathize, to feel pain, sadness, and loss for the victims in Oklahoma.

I hope you will join me...


oak  oklahoma


Together we can pray and send positive energy to those who need it. I am going to spend the next little while appreciating what we have, knowing that we are blessed to have been spared.


Gratitude & Empathy


Gamechanger 2013

Read Hazel's shirt... GC


We are thrilled, and also a little shocked (ok...a lot shocked), to share that Hazel is going to be a big sister!!!




Come November this household is no longer going to be a zone defense but man-to-man. It's a little intimidating but I'm sure we will come up with some new defense strategies.

I am so excited to see Hazel as a big sister, and to add another cousin to our ever-growing families. We are so blessed to have so many amazing little people (whom you know are my absolute favourite) in our lives. We are surrounded by so much love that this baby couldn't stand to wait any longer to join us all (even though this means we will have 2 kids under 2). For now, we are savouring every moment that Hazel is an only child.

Last time we saw the Doc, we were able to hear the little heartbeat. We could also hear the baby "bouncing off the walls in there" (so typical of my kids - Hazel was the same...{did I just say "my kids}... huh). 2 of the BEST. SOUNDS. EVER. We are feeling very confident to share the news with everyone now.


Here are some pics of Hazel sharing the news with our family in Florida. We weren't the only ones who were surprised by the news!




Peace, Love, Gratitude & Love


Especially for them...

We will be away for Mother's Day this year. Mommy and Daddy only, so the anxiety is starting to flood in knowing we are leaving our girl (in good hands) - BUT STILL...LEAVING. Some circumstances make it impossible to turn down opportunities. Also, am looking forward to spending some down time with Matt after the crazy busy, stressful, but amazing year we just had.

Oh...and we will be in the Mediterranean, so that oughta help pass some time. Will try to post pics.


We couldn't leave without honouring our very special mothers. With out them, I literally do not know where we would be. The more we ask of them, the happier they are to help. How does a girl get so lucky!!!

We had brunch at an amazing restaurant with Nonna & Nana (and Gramps). Hazel was in rare form, lots of facial expressions, lots of laughs!!!











Mother's Day is coming. Let me be the first to wish all the baby mama's, doggy mama's, God-mama's, Grand-mama's, and future mama's a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

You need not be a mother in the technical term for me to wish you a day spent doing whatever makes you happy and at peace.


Peace & Love


The Sunshine State

Wrapping it up here in Florida and I realized that I forgot my cord to upload the pics from my camera. For now I will post the pics from my iPhone.  

Here is Hazel on the plane listening to Baby Einstein. She was a superstar on the plane.



The first 2 days were rainy, so the girls played inside together. Let's just say "Patty-cake" is forever going to be the theme song for this trip.



Lots of these everywhere, just feels like vacation.



Mermaid goggles...



Morning swims with her cousins.



Hazel swinging for the first time and lovin' it!!!

(Side note: I posted this pic on her Facebook page, and it received a record amount of likes, 94...CRAZY!!!)



Jumping in the pool with my girls...



Dinner at the best restaurant in town...



Watching my girl yell at the cold waves on the Gulf of Mexico.

I was going to crop out Matt's finger at the top but it just reminds me of how difficult it was to get this pic in the first place. She was unhappy, I was freezing, Daddy couldn't see where he was pointing the camera. Good times!!!




Trying to escape, with a VERY sandy butt...



Dinner at the Grand Floridian...



I will post some of the pics from my other camera when we get home.

Happy week everyone!



Easter is the new black... wait...Down Syndrome is the new black. Well, either way I love both!!! I decided this year that Easter is my favourite.

I love it all!!!

I LOVE how the Easter bunny visits and leaves baskets full of spring toys like skipping ropes, sidewalk chalk, and baseball bats. Also, making sure to slide in some chocolate treats, books and new clothes. I LOVE that there is always an "Easter Egg Hunt." Who doesn't LOVE a hunt. The weather (here in Southern Canada) is always just on the brink of warm enough to go outside and kick a new soccer ball around, which is very much welcomed after a really cold winter. The sun seems to always shine down on us, even if it isn't all day.

Lots has changed since last year. We are grateful.





Hazel really wasn't in a great mood Easter morn, so the pics are an accurate reflection of the way she felt about it.







By the afternoon she started to see it my way...




On a completely unrelated note:

Sometimes you gotta know when to fold em' - bedtime wise. Here's how it goes...

Hazel: crying uncontrollably from her crib.

Mommy: "Sure you can stay up in mommy's bed WAYYYYYYYYY past your bedtime and read books - why not?"

THE END. (I did not fail - don't judge me)


Also, Hazel is not a fan of feathers.



Blogging from Florida this week peeps!!!



Happy Post WDSD Friday!!!

Thank you to those of you who helped us to spread the word yesterday!!! World Down Syndrome Day is a very special day in this house and will continue to be every year. It is a day to celebrate and be thankful for all the blessings we have been given. And we did just that. I spent the whole day playing, reading, teaching, kissing, hugging, and singing to my girl.



Also, it is an important day for raising awareness. I can't tell you how much it means to us that you checked into the blog yesterday, sent me pictures of your socks or other ways that you appreciated your gifts yesterday.

I am hopeful for the future, in that our society will be a great deal more accepting and understanding of individuals with Down Syndrome. Every World Down Syndrome Day that passes we get that much closer to a world that will appreciate my daughter for exactly what she is and what she has to offer.





Many blessings...

March 21, 2013




First off, I want to say how extremely honoured I am to know what this day means now. We are so proud to be a part of this day and celebrate difference and perseverance.

Over the last year we have met so many wonderful people. We have worked hard and overcome challenges. We have changed our ways of seeing and accepting others (all "others" not just individuals with DS). We have welcomed a warmth and a light into our hearts that will keep us cozy forever. We know that challenges will await us, but we also know that there will be a overwhelming amount of pride for our girl in the future.

Today with Hazel, there will be an underlying thread of gratitude in every kiss and a deep appreciation for the perspective she has given us in every hug.



This is a very exciting day for the DS community. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness and education about individuals with DS. The following is from the World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) site. I copied their description here so that you could read what they have to say without going anywhere else, but please take the time to visit the site when you have time.

I particularly LOVE the paragraph about the "internet being a powerful tool for raising awareness."

It allows us all to do our part through various social media. Anybody can help to celebrate WDSD, if only by tweeting 1 tweet (or Retweeting a tweet) that you find interesting or important. Or by sharing a link on your Facebook pages. Even just a simple status update that calls attention to the cause. Oh, yes - and you can even share on Pinterest.


WDSD states:

"21 March 2013 marks the 8th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day, a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. Each year the voice of people with Down syndrome, and those who live and work with them, grows louder. But there is still so much more we can do.

Down Syndrome International encourages our friends all over the World to choose your own themes, activities and events to help raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome, and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities.

The internet is a powerful tool for raising awareness and we encourage people to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day through your own websites, blogs and social networking sites. However, we want to create a single meeting place where everyone can share their experiences and advertise their activities.

Join our cause to create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome on 21 March."


Today I thought I would list my Top 5 favorite blogs that raise awareness for DS. I know I have listed some in the past but I wanted to make it really easy for you all to do some educating or to spread the word and raise awareness yourself. Click on the images to take you the blogs. Happy reading!!!

1. A Perfect Lily



2. Enjoying the Small Things




3. Little Olsen



4. The Future's Rosie



5. Noah's Dad



Chasing Hazel readers have always been so loyal and supportive. We could not have gotten this far with out you!!! Thanks so much in advance for your continued support in helping us to advocate and create positive discourse about Hazel's future.

So please, if only for today, TWEET, SHARE, LIKE, and PIN away about Down Syndrome. Do your part to spread the word and educate.




Peace, Love and Acceptance


A reflection on Judgement

I have chosen to do a post today about Judgement, in honor of Non-Judgement week. Visit The Conscious Perspective for more deets on Non-Judgement week.  

A wise man once said to me: "Never judge a mother - unless you know for a fact what she is going through - you are not allowed to judge." Brilliant!!!

Now that I am a mother and I have done things that are very questionable in the name of sanity, I 100% agree with the above mentioned quote. I have done things that I never thought I would.

I specifically remember a day at the mall with Hazel and my mom. At said "day-at-the-mall" there are vivid memories of me in a side hallway on my hands and knees trying frantically to make a bottle. While my mom tried to change a dirty butt diaper with Hazel in her stroller.

Yeah I said "stroller!"

We did not walk to the "family bathroom" and use the "change table" because I LITERALLY could not imagine walking all the way back there with a screaming, hungry, dirty baby. We were close to a somewhat secluded hallway in a busy, public place so, it was as good a place as any...right? We all got out pretty much unscathed, except for my dignity - but I mean - whatever. Being a mom means sacrificing your dignity...doesn't it? Please tell me it does for you too!!!

Anyway, my point is DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!

Yes!!! I changed my kid in a totally inappropriate place AND I didn't "take my screaming kid home" - but I do acknowledge that I shouldn't have done the former and should have done the latter.

Needless to say I don't judge mothers EVER - for any reason!!! That day I couldn't bring my kid home because my house was under heavy construction. That little episode took place after a day out of the house with a baby trying to keep ourselves occupied and sane. Clearly we only accomplished 1 of the 2. You just never know what is happening in someones life so please try not to judge!



On a more serious note:

Part of the reason I started this blog was to rectify or aid in the inaccurate judgements or perceptions of those with Down Syndrome.

One of the blessings that Down Syndrome has brought to my life is realizing that judgement often times comes from ignorance.

People judge that which they do not know.

By educating ourselves, listening to people bias free and keeping an open mind we accept things that are different. We gain perspective and embrace the things that we had no prior knowledge about. Human beings have a great deal to teach us, but we must be receptive and open to the lesson they offer (even though we might not agree with their thoughts or opinions on the subject.)

I hope that reading about Hazel helps you to accept her differences and celebrate her victories, just as you would with any other child. I also hope that her message helps readers to shift prior assumptions or perspectives of those whose live with Down Syndrome. Please continue to educate or advocate any chance you get!!!




That's so "Retarded"

This is going to be rough to read...please don't leave me. Hear me out and know that I have said the R-word. I am not judging you. I am simply trying to continue in my mission to advocate and raise awareness for Down Syndrome. Also, if you notice that this message does bother you, I assume you are one of the people who say it. I KNOW you are good people, just please think about what you are saying.

Look, I know you aren't referring to my daughter when you say the word "retard" or "retarded" so you don't need to be defensive.

I know that it's a habit.

It's happens to be ingrained in our vocabulary as an acceptable word. I don't know what happened or when it became mainstream to categorize, stereotype and use this word to describe something or someone that seems "stupid."

I mean...I tell people that my daughter has DS and they still use the word (like in the same paragraph of conversation). Honestly, I know you aren't referring specifically to my girl but someone, some day might.

Put yourself in my shoes.

Hazel hears this term being used, maybe not referring to her, and comes home from school and asks me what it means. What do I say? How do I answer? How do I protect her from being offended, hurt, becoming insecure, learning that others think that something is "wrong" with her, or worse she learns or believes that she is LESS than someone else. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but imagine that your kid is called like the worst, most offensive, name that is directly related to some characteristic that they actually possess. It's a little different than just some innocent name calling, right?

Remember as well that it's one thing that kids say it, but another thing entirely when an adult says it. You should know better, right?

The major problem that I have is that if you are here - on Chasing Hazel - reading this, chances are that you probably try your best to not say the R-word. If you do happen to say it, you are probably very conscious of the fact that you said it and realize that you could have chosen a different word.

That is, LITERALLY, all I ask. That you think about it, consider why you chose that particular word and maybe try to bring attention to the fact that it could be very offensive to someone who might not be considered to be as "intelligent" as another person based on the simple fact that they have an extra chromosome.

Moving forward, please don't feel guilt about what has or hasn't been said in the past, and just simply try to choose a different adjective to describe something. There really are so many other more intelligent ones to choose from.



Thanks for reading all the way down here and sticking with me. Know that if I hear you say the word I do not get angry or offended. I send you love and hope for that might be the last time you ever say that word.


Here are a few relevant posts that have been written to raise awareness about "ENDING THE WORD"

From Catharsis - "Just Another 'retarded' post"

Unfortunately, what people don’t realize is that intent and perception have nothing to do with one another.  One may not intend to hurt another with his choice of words, but the reality is others may perceive the words as hurtful because of the way they’re used.

To read more here is the link:

From Shannonigans - "R is for Reason. Let's show we have some"

You can actually carry it and pass it to people and and not even know you're doing it. If we want to eradicate this word and the disease that it is leached onto, we have to make sure our childrens' comfort zones and social circles expand well beyond that which they see in a mirror. We have to make sure that they know other children, ones who aren't abled as they are, ones who aren't colored as they are, ones who don't dress or eat or pray or talk as they do.
Click the link to read more:







Visting young the U

There are some photos. They aren't great but, at the very least, they prove we were there. We very much enjoyed our experience as guest speakers in this class at the University of Windsor. It was a great platform for us to further raise awareness and educate others about people with Down Syndrome. Now...I will tell you all what I told them, a disclaimer of sorts (I believe there were a few disclaimers before the chat started):

I am by no means an expert on Down Syndrome, I am only an expert on Hazel. We set forth to share information that could be helpful to those who are interested in learning more about DS. This information is solely based on our personal experiences with Hazel, and what we have learned so far.



The students were very interested to hear about some of the challenges Hazel has had to face with her health. After elaborating on Duodenal Atresia and her VSD, SHOCKED is a more accurate description of some of the facial expressions I saw as I scanned the crowd.

We went on to discuss the milestones that she has mastered and the ones she is working on next. More importantly, we talked about their futures. The future doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, teachers and where ever else the wind may blow for these students. We tried our best to give an accurate description of what we expect as parents in any of these fields when dealing with a baby that has special needs.



We tried to create an environment of empathy and compassion, hope and positivity. All qualities that are important to me as Hazel’s mom. These are all qualities that Hazel’s therapists have. We went through some specifics about Hazel’s therapy.

We tried to foster thinking “outside-the-box” and being “open-minded”, when assessing a child that is a little different. Not all children with DS are the same and accomplish the same things at the same time. Just as with any child.

We cautioned the consumption of negative information about DS that can be found on the Internet. I tried to give some positive, helpful resources to help them to educate themselves and others.

I explained OUR role in the DS world – to ADVOCATE and EDUCATE and ultimately, aid in societal ACCEPTANCE!!!




I have to share 1 part of the presentation here with you all. You are all such faithful, loyal, accepting supporters of Hazel.  You will SO get this about her…

(this is actually on the PowerPoint presentation)

So…Is our girl WEAK?

After facing:

  • Down Syndrome
  • Surgery at 28 hours old
  • Failure to thrive
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Open heart surgery at 5 months old

Low muscle tone maybe…but WEAK is not in her genes!!!





Thank you so much Professor Martindale for providing and allowing the opportunity to celebrate our daughter and educate those that may just be part of her successes in the future.


Grateful for this experience,

Enjoy your Monday



How about a Group Hug...

Here's a Group Hug for Family Day from Hazel's cousins. I think Group Hug Apparel is at the Devonshire Mall today. Be sure to get your t-shirts and e-mail us pics to post on the blog.

E-mail to with subject line Group Hug.

Would love to post any of you who want to raise awareness and support those with an extra chromosome!!!






Enjoy your families today!!!