Happy Friday!!!
/These pictures are from Hazel's birthday party. A quiet dinner with the family. Hazel was sleeping when everyone arrived so she woke up to a house full. Here's Hazel's face when she walked in and saw the family all gathered for her special day.
She was obsessed with the balloons...
She had a great time with her cousins...
She did not like her cake...AGAIN!
She was really into opening her gifts...
Here is our attempt at a family photo. We are all in it and accounted for.
Expectations were officially met. Meaning we have no expectations that everyone look presentable, be looking at the camera, the lighting be right etc. We are all there and that's going to have to be good enough for now.
This is our reality for now. Family photos reflect the crazy time in our lives. Have 2 kids under 2 and here's what your family portraits will look like too. When I look back at these pics 20 years from now, I will remember exactly what life was like back then. After all that is why we document these moments with photos. To relive them when they are long gone.
Mission accomplished!
Happy Friday
/Seeing as though our girl is turning 2 on Monday, I thought I would post this pic of her from when she was EXACTLY 1 year old (to the minute). I can't believe how much she's changed in just 365 days. I miss this little baby Hazel but am enjoying seeing the little girl she is becoming. Even if her most dominant trait at the moment is "stubbornness." It's her way or the highway. I can't for the life of me figure out where she gets that from?
Happy Friday everyone!
Happy Friday!!!
/This week I shared 2 super amazing smiles over on our Facebook page (click here to check it out). Here is one...
We are all ready for Santa!
So, I left myself short for this weeks "Happy Friday" post. I do have this one more left that I could share. Just oozes sweetness and LOVE...
Enjoy your weekend!
Happy Friday!
/Happy Friday!!! I am slowly starting to see the light of day. Hope to get some pics of our first few weeks with Nola up on the blog soon. Hazel is a great big sis so far. And by great I mean, she doesn't hit her or take her toys (wait - yes she takes her toys), or yell at her (wait- well, she only yells if Nols is crying...so there's that).
Anyway, she's cute so that works in her favour a lot. A LOT!!!
Have a good weekend!!! I think some Chrissy decorations are in order...
Happy Friday
/So, I totally hit the jackpot with the Friday post. Both girls in a pic smiling and all. Seriously, don't expect this every week now. Let's just consider it a lucky day. Kinda like the whole "double rainbow" thing.
These girls....sigh...
I have started going through some photos of life as of late and will be posting them shortly. The trouble is I NEVER have time to grab the computer to even hit the "publish" button.
Bare with me.....
Happy Friday Everyone!!!
Happy Flashback Friday!!
/Just feeling slightly nostalgic as I wait for this new little girl to join us. I have been trying to remember what it's like to have a new, tiny, little baby to snuggle with. Seems a bit surreal that Hazel was ever that small. Indeed she was...only 4.5 lbs at one point. Here are some of the original smiles for this Happy Friday!!!
And some IG...Feel free to follow us at user name Chasing_Hazel.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Happy Friday (with a little IG on the side)
/Good News!!! Hazel's bedroom is all put together and organized. It is not completely done, decor-wise, yet but it is almost fully functional. I will post pics of the "end product" when it is actually the "end product."
Once her room was done, we were able to make progress in the new baby's room too. Very exciting stuff going on around here. The "nesting" process is almost complete and I could not be happier. Looking forward to spending a couple of quiet weeks with my girl and my guy, while we wait for a new level of chaos to ensue.
Here is a catch up on some rather dated IG pics. Follow us at user name Chasing_Hazel. Would love for you to join us. You really do miss a lot when you don't get the captions that go with each pic (I'm pretty funny...I AM! Seriously - Like tell me you don't want to know the caption to the pic 2nd row last on the right)
Happy Friday Everyone!!! Off to pack a couple of hospital bags...
Happy Friday
/Ok... I promise I actually plan on addressing Down Syndrome Awareness Month on the blog. I even have the post almost ready - HA. This week kinda got away from me blog-wise. The nesting however, has become more of a full-on, panic stricken, burning the wick at both ends kind of event around here. And I'm not going to pretend for one second that there have not been "throw your hands in the air and give up" meltdowns and evenings full of feelings of defeat and despair - #keepinitrealyall. Onward, I see the light people. We are close.
In other Friday business...
THIS PIC. This pic has got to be one of my favourites.
I know this smile, this very specific expression, so well. How unbelievable to know another human soul? Without question or doubt, to be able to interpret the slightest head tilt or upturned angel of the lip. I see this same look on her face so often. Everyday.
This look is pure, unadulterated - Contentment.
She just is. She embraces the moment. She is present at all times. Everything is new and fun and gives her joy. This look is how I know my girl is doing just fine. This face is a little gift for me - reassuring ME and reminding ME that everything is just fine.
Here is where I find peace.
Happy Friday Everyone!!!! Let the "nesting-frenzy" continue...
Happy "Apple-Crispy" Friday
/I'm NESTING!!!!
I don't recall this "nesting type" feeling with Hazel so much. We did the practical "lets-get-a-room-ready-for-a-new-baby" type projects. You know a nursery, clothes, baskets of baby items that you have no idea what to do with at the time, stuff like that.
This time (and it could very well be the season. I find FALL brings out the bakey-crafty-projecty mood in people. Especially considering I'm a teacher. I am dying to do a craft with kids) I find I am into more "nesty" type activities. Like painting for instance. I want to paint everything, like everything. If we bought it for Hazel's room, it's in the garage waiting to be be painted. SOOOOOOO not like me. I prefer wood in its original form. I love the rustic feel, the colour, the grain and the smell. Apparently not at the moment. I glare at everything in sight wondering to myself what said object would look like if it was painted. Look out - Mama's on a mission.
Another example of this nesting I speak of is BAKING. I am not a girl who bakes usually. Cook...yes. I LOVE to cook. Baking is better left to the professionals. My aunt, my Nonna, my cousin, my mother-in-law, my mom - as long as it's not me.
However, my mom and I spent an entire day in the kitchen baking apple crisp. We, fortunately, were given the apples from my Zia. She has a beautiful home with LOTS of fruit trees. This year she has more apples than she can possibly bake or eat herself. So we were put to the task to use as many as we could (#firstworldproblems). I DO NOT like to waste food.
Anyway, this post is becoming way more wordy than anticipated for a Friday post. So I leave you with the pics of the "nesting" that has been going on. As you can see by the fact that I decorated the containers for everyone...NESTING!!! The proof is right there!!! Anyone who knows me, knows this is just not something that happens.
I couldn't decide what smile to give you all today. I figured why not both? You can NEVER have too many smiles...
Hope you are enjoying the Fall season so far!!! I must admit I did enjoy spreading the Fall cheer this year with some home-made apple crisp.
Happy Friday!!!
Happy Friday!!!
/Nice relaxing week at home. Still trying to grasp on to whatever little bits of summer we can muster. I feel like it might just be over now. However, I am obsessed with fall so it's not a total loss.
Hazel LOVES books!!! She likes to be read to, as well as reading on her own. She points to the words on the page and reads and reads.
Oh and laughs....
Happy Friday!!!
Happy Friday!!!
/Here we are again, going into another long weekend. We are trying to soak up as much family time as we can before routines and schedules are a little harder to hide from. There is definitely some Baby #2 prep happening. She's gonna be here before we know it.
We decided to make Hazel a little girl room just for her. So we are going to start that VERY soon (no we haven't started yet....don't judge us).
In other health related news...
Hazel had her 18 month doctors apt and she's now 24 lbs 13 oz and 32.5 inches long. Every time I look at her in her crib these days, she doesn't look like a baby anymore. I feel like she fills the whole thing up.
Thanks Auntie Paula for the pics this week!!!
Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!