Can't remember where I left off

So much has happened since I last shared. Summer has come and gone and I literally have a million photos to sift through to try and organize some semblance of a blog post. Just know I am working on it. The goal is to get a well-rounded post of the entire summer. YIKES!!! I have my work cut out for me. Sometimes "blog-ations" (is that a thing? I'm sure it's a thing - right?!) are not worth it in the end. Especially when you are me and MUST. Document. Every. Freaking. Moment!!!!

Let's start with our summer on IG. Shall we?


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We got caught in the rain...good times!


Meet you back here shortly with a recap...I swear - I'm on it!!!!

That post I promised...

Just checking in. How are you all??? We are good...

Summer so far has been great. Lots and lots of family time, mixed in with visits with friends and play dates with the girls. Also, managing to get some projects done around the house. There has been a perfect balance of outings and trips with an equal amount of those days of staying home and just hanging with the girls. Nothing on the agenda except playing in the yard.

Still missing Nonno like crazy. Actually, noticing his absence even MORE as the day pass. It's such a strange thing to try to get used to when such a presence is no longer with us. Not sure if it ever feels normal.

Here are all the "smiley" photos from our family trip to Buckhorn Lake (the rest of the pics will come later).










See you back here in September. Starting off the return with Nola's birth story. Stay tuned...


It Not You - It's me...

Ok. Don't be mad. You're gonna be mad. Just hear me out... It's nothing you did, or said. It's me... YOU? You are perfect!

Although I love this space. I love sharing, writing and documenting, researching, reading comments and e-mails from readers...

I need a break.

With the passing of my Nonno and the simple fact that life just doesn't seem to be slowing down, I am really feeling the need to spend time with my girls. Without the social media distraction (except for IG of course). My motivation is definitely taking a hit here.

I might keep posting a few things here and there. Mostly just to continue documenting life for the girls to read one day. I will also be writing and getting new posts ready for the fall. Like a birth story for example. It's written, just needs a little editing and a few images. Not sure why they take me so long to post??? Anyway, trust me I will be quietly working away on a fresh bunch of posts. Just in time for us all to be ready to get a warm cup of coffee and settle in to those few moments we have to spare and catch up on your favourite little gal Hazel and her new side kick.



I leave you with a little update on our girl Hazel.


(all her photos look like this now. She runs toward the camera almost every time)

She has been growing and changing so SO much in her second year. Turning more and more into a little girl with an evolving personality. She is certainly enjoying exerting control over the decisions being made. Especially where food is concerned. Except I don't get the memo each day with the menu choices. I think she would literally just live on gold fish crackers, yogurt and tomatoes if I let her.

Yes, I give her gold fish crackers. No they are not gluten free, dairy free, organic, free range and whatever else food is supposed to be now-a-days. But the bonus about them is, she eats them. She doesn't whine, complain, throw them, waste them, and she can come up to me and ask specifically for "crackers."

SOLD!!!! Here ya go.

Look - I know what a healthy, holistic, well rounded diet should look like. And I also know what survival should look like. I'd like to think I am somewhere in between. Sometimes you just have to embrace processed cheese for what it is. A miracle. Hazel will eat anything with processed cheese on it.

Trust me when I say that Hazel will eat a huge variety of food. Fish, risotto, chicken, sausage, sandwiches, eggs (with spinach & kale), pasta, oatmeal, toast, hummus, potatoes and so much more. BUT...only when she is in the mood to eat said foods. If not...


I digress...


I would have to say that the biggest changes for her these last few months have been with her communication. She has literally become obsessed with Baby Signing Time (sign language DVDs). She comes out in the morning and is signing and saying "Baby - Time." I usually try to indulge her in her requests so she learns the basics of communication - ask and you shall receive. When she asks for anything, she pretty much gets it.


(signing cry)

Her vocabulary grows by the day, she is always willing to repeat everything and a great deal of what she says is in context. She will look through a picture book and I can hear her saying all the words she knows. Strawberry, ball, boat, grapes, apple, shoes, dog, cat, bear, socks, fish, banana, tomato, flower, orange, balloon, bubbles, etc.

Every day she carefully examines the books in her bin, thoughtfully chooses one, carries it across the room, hands me the book, slowly turns her little body around and lowers her bum onto my lap and we read. It's the best. I really enjoy the moments she is willing to sit still and read a book because a lot of the time lately she just wants to go go go.





(How much do I LOVE this??!!! This here is the reason I am taking a break. This is what is going to heal my soul. I am going to indulge in this)


I am so proud of how hard she tries to repeat my words, even though sometimes it sounds NOTHING like what I have said. Her determination and confidence to keep trying is all I could ever ask for. As long as she feels safe to try, I will always be proud. Let's face it. Hazel makes me proud. Everyday. She makes my heart proud.

Hazel also has this ability to make me annoyed, frustrated and wear down all my patience but you don't wanna hear about that now do you? 2 year olds...sigh.

For the next little while we are working on speech and communication, strengthening her hams and quads, and just enjoying the summer. Visiting with friends, swimming in pools, enjoying family dinners and indulging in a few more cottage trips (which I will share here eventually).



If you are really desperate for a Hazel fix you can find us on IG or follow our Facebook page. But for now, the blog is on summer holiday.


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I sincerely wish you all a great summer (or winter depending on where you are reading from). I will be thinking of you and hoping you find some time to spend with your families and friends.

Meet you back here in or around September-ish. You may see a random Friday post before then. I will try, I promise.

Will miss this guys. Lots of love and warm wishes.

Talk soon


Offically "Chasing Nola" too


Month 6 and 7 have been very eventful for our newest little. Here's what she's been up to.


I know this pic is blurry but, THE FACE!!!




1. Eats whole bananas, cucumbers, strawberries, pasta, blueberries like its her job


2. Got the Army crawl down to a science



3. Pulls herself up on everything



Nothing like having to do an emergency dropping of the crib mattress right before bed. Immediately after I snapped this pic, she fell and smashed her face on the crib railing :(



4. Goes from laying to sitting



4. Claps while saying "Yeaaaaahhhhhh" - I swear she is!

5. "Na Na Na Na" is her sound of protest

6. She growls always, like always.

7. She is SO loud, going out for dinner is completely out of the question

8. She is just starting to get comfy doing the four point crawling. Most of the time it ends in a bear walk of sorts.


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9. She refuses to not be included in the festivities



10. Plays Peek-a-boo like it's her job.

11. Her life's current mission is to hunt and track Hazel's sippy cup. Must. Get. Sippy. Cup. Must. Drink. From. Sippy. Cup.




Watching Frozen like a big girl.



Daddy is moving up in the ranks with Nola. It's quite sweet.



She's teething, like hard core teething. She's got 2 bottom teeth, one top so far. And I'm pretty sure the next 3 at the top are going to be out shortly. She suffers, you guys. Just ask her.



Some of her "firsts" over the last couplel of months. Sprinkler, Swings, pool floaty, PASTA, and road trip.

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Off to continue month number 8...crazy!!!


Summer Lovin'

Here's some of what we've been up to lately. June flew by and it seems that July is going to be much the same. We are doing a lot of hanging around the house. Keeping it low key in between a few road trips. And honestly, it's just easier to stay close to home. The current schedule around here is no one sleeps at the same time. So, it's hard to leave when someone is always napping.

But this good enough for me.







I am loving watching her grow and explore more this summer.






These eyebrows are JUST ridiculous.




Ughhhhh....they are the BEST!!!!



Hope you are having fun and enjoying life.

Sometimes this space is just sad...

It's been 2 years my LOVE. apryl


I know that you watch over my girls everyday. I also know that sweet Nola was a gift from you. You certainly left your mark on her.


The funny part is I never noticed it looked like a butterfly. One of my friends pointed out. But there it is, clear as day.

And though I will never be able to wrap my arms around you in appreciation for my most precious and perfect gift, I promise to hug and kiss my girls just one time extra every single day instead.

You live on in my heart and are still such a huge part of my future.

Miss you heaps and heaps Auntie Apes.



Missing this crazy crew.

Half Mast

87 Years... nonno1


If someone were to tell me that I would have 87 years to...







...and just LIVE.

My reply would be, "where do I sign?"

Yet, when we lose someone after those 87 years, it just doesn't seem long enough. There's always going to be that impending feeling of yearning to see that person just one more time. Knowing full well that you could see them 50 more times and it still wouldn't be enough.

Always wanting that one more time to hear them sing, be teased in only the way that they could tease, feel them reach for your hand, listen to them tell you they love you, have them look at your children with the purest kind of love you've ever seen. We always want more. Always.









Nonno, you take up a huge space in my heart that will live on forever. Never to be matched or filled by anyone. Ever.

Your memory will remain strong, just as your presence in this family has been over the years. You and Nonna created an empire, within which gave your 5 children, 12 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren, the kind of life that movies are made about (Seriously! Have you seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Exchange Greek for Italian and BINGO!) With strong family bonds, respect, laughter, sharing meals, and love at the heart of it all.




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You taught us all about what it means to be a leader, a hard worker, a father, a brother, a grandfather, and a husband. For 61 years you created and built upon a love that that 2 people shared. Together you gave us a family that knows no bounds in the love that we all share for each other.

That happened because of you. 2 people. 2 hearts. 2 souls.

Both of you selflessly gave, to make sure that we all had. I only wish the same for all the great grandchildren. I hope that we are half as successful at imparting the wisdom and strong family values on to our children as you both were for us.




As for your children. I can't speak for them, and I know that a PERFECT father you were not.

But who is?

We are all doing the best we can. Trying to live honestly and do right by those we love. Trying the only way that we know how to raise happy, healthy, well rounded, respectful, independent humans.

I think, for your children, that trying to figure life out without you is going to be a long road. I know that if they could have hugged you and told you they loved you one more time, they wouldn't hesitate. I know that they respected you, learned from you and loved you. I also know all the good that you taught them will carry on through generations while they continue to support and love their own children and grand children.





So, it is with a very sad and heavy heart that I say goodbye. I myself am not sure how this family looks without your presence. It feels a little unsettling at the moment. Almost unnatural.

But I will forge on with the mind set that I was lucky to have you to loose in the first place. I was blessed to share 34 of those 87 years with you. You were a wonderful grandfather. You taught me so much. Waaaaaaay too much to list here. I could not be prouder to have so much in common with you. To share the same love of good food, hearty laughs, Italian temperament (especially when we are hungry...grrrrrrr), and a super human sense of smell.

My life was enriched because of you and Nonna. My husbands life was enriched. My children's lives. I could never put into words how grateful I am to have grown into a woman under your influence. Love and respect to you now and forever.

I am hanging my flag at half mast today, Nonno. Hope you are soaring high and enjoying your new life and whatever it might bring.

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One last parting thought. Something you taught me at a very young age. Something I will carry with me for years to come. Something I will NOT be teaching my children....

"Faciaco come me para"

Translates to - "I do what I want!"


Nola's Baptism


The day was perfect in every way. Turns out I love baptisms! It was exciting to plan. I was honored to be able to celebrate my girl's marriage into the Church with all our family and close friends. It's the only one of her weddings that I have total control over. So I took advantage.

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Let me mention now that Vita Photography is yet again responsible for capturing all the perfect moments and details of this day that I don't want to forget. If you are in the local area, you need to book with her!!!! The pics are always amazing in every way.

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Proud Godparents...

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Love these...

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Nola was very interested to see who was putting water on her head. By the third time the priest poured it on her, she just had to turn to see what was going on. She had us all smiling.




Family shots...

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Nola and Nonna B. Nonna B completely outdid herself again making the gorgeous dress Nola is wearing. No pattern, no measuring, only one fitting and perfect. We are all spoiled to have her. Also, shes almost 80. Seriously!!!

Love you, Nonna B!!!



These next 2 are what is currently making my life.

My girls...



My family... I heart them!



Perfect day spent with perfect people, honoring the most perfect little girl and her relationship with God.

Happy Days


8 Years Later...

I have had this blog for over 2 years now and have yet to share any of our history as a newly married couple. I must be feeling a little nostalgic cause I'm looking at old wedding pics. ann2


It's so unbelievable to look back at these 2 crazy kids. In a way they are strangers to me. I feel so far removed from this time in my life. We have both been through so many absolutely life altering moments and events since this day. The day that marked the beginning of it all. We had no idea how our lives and our paths were going to intertwine.

I honestly do not know what I would do without this man. He literally is a rock. He has a way of making everything make sense for me. His approach for living and facing life is fearless. I literally, do not know how I get to do life with him.

Kudos universe...kudos!


These 2 next pics are my absolute favs. They are definitely not the "picture perfect" wedding photos but they are real, genuine and dripping with PURE JOY. This moment for me will never be forgotten. The first moments of being this man's wife.




8 years later and we are still laughing, working, compromising, respecting, traveling, crying, loving, and parenting like it's our job. Coming out on top most days. Planning, hoping, learning and looking forward to the next 8 - and all the 8s after that.



8 years later. Here's where we are now...



How did I get so blessed? Life is a gift.


Nola, Nola

photo(6)'s 6 months already. In a way it feels like it's flown by like the speed of sound, but in a very different way it feels like she's been here forever. It's the latter, I am going to try to savour. I thoroughly enjoy her company. She is such a smiley, happy, curious little girl. Seriously, she literally is TOO much. Jammed packed full of pure joy!!!

As a quick side note: Since she has started eating solids, her sleeping through the night has improved dramatically. I think this MAY be (just may be) part of the reason why I feel like I love her so much more at the moment. Do not judge me! I think I have been honest about me not being my "best self" when I am sleep deprived.

I digress...This is about Nola.

There's nothing that goes on around her that she doesn't want to be a part of. She loves everybody. Always has a big smile to share and a snuggle to give. Still, I am her favourite. I can't say I'm hating that. She will literally do a dive bomb out of Daddy's arms to try and get to me. She also does the same thing when she sees her food coming near....sooooooo. Still, I am sure it's me she's obsessed with and not food. Right?!



With each passing month she changes so much. I am forever thanking the gradual passing of time. A mama heart can handle their babes growing, as long as it happens slowly, gradually.


Here's some of the changes that have been happening 'round here over the past couple of months:

She started sitting up. I need to be sitting next to her just in case she topples over (which she does). I can't say that I am encouraging the gross motor. I just want her to stay put and be little forever. She's not on board.




She got her first couple of teeth. First tooth - May 4 2014 and second tooth - May 19th. It's been fun. Poor babe.

We started solids. That's been great. She loves it. Not so much fruit (I remember Hazel was the same), but veggies YES! Started rice cereal (April 27 2014). Not a fan until I added banana or sweet potato.




See...Much better.


We have been introducing new foods quickly. I try one per day. I was very interested to find out that the guidelines have changed since Hazel started solids. According to my pediatrician (and this is only him - so please ask your docs before you start your children on solids), you can introduce any foods anytime now. Yes, peanut butter and yes, eggs. As long as you only do one food at a time. We are just doing what we feel comfortable with and taking Nola's lead. So far she's a happy girl. Onward...


Nola's babbling has become somewhat of a nuisance. She will be heard guys! She will be heard. SO LOUD all the time. I literally can't watch a TV show while I am nursing. I can't tell you how many a line on "Friday Night Lights" I have missed because of Nola and her need to talk. (Complete side note: Friday Night Lights will leave a mark on your soul and change the way you view life - just sayin')

Girlfriend loves to play with cups any shape any size, strings and tags. Also, anything Sissy has. Hazel has offered to share, twice, that's all. She will do whatever she has to, to see the TV once The Wiggles have been put on for Hazel.

Last thing. There was a baptism. It deserves it's own post. The pics are unreal.



What else can I say? I just want to bottle up all these little tiny details so that I never EVER forget what makes my girl my, my girl. No matter how long I go on here, I will never be satisfied that I wrote enough, or described her well enough, or added enough details about her. There will always be things that I forget. So, I guess here is a good a time as any to stop.



I love you my sweet little lamb. You literally brighten up our hearts and our home with your smile.




Mother's Day Shenanigans


It only took a Mother's Day miracle to get a pic of the three of us all looking in the same direction. Forget the smiling. We are all looking and that, in and of itself, exceeds all expectations.



And then of each of my girls...




We spent the day playing...














It was the BEST!!!


Ahhhhh Mother's Day

While I wish all the mama's a Happy Mothers day, I can't help but remember the many painful days I spent celebrating the other mothers in my life, all the while silently aching inside to have my own child call me "mama." Those were the darkest of days struggling through infertility. 4 years. 4 Mother's Days. 4 Father's Days.

The emptiness almost unbearable. I don't know if Hazel will ever really understand how she filled that empty space by making me a mama.

I wish all the mama's out there a happy day. But I also hope and pray for all the mama's-to-be out there that are still waiting for that space to be filled. I pray for you to have strength on this day that is so very difficult for our hearts. I know that becoming a mom seems so far off and probably impossible for some of you. I know that feeling all too well. I have not, I will NEVER, forget.

I am certainly not going to sit here and tell you that it will happen for you. I won't tell you that you will become a mom when the "time is right." I know better than that. I will tell you that all will be as it is supposed to be in the end. I will also tell you, if even the tiniest part of you desires to be a mama, than your heart already is one.

So, you too deserve to celebrate this Mother's Day.

To those of you who are laying in wait, I want you to know that you are allowed to celebrate this day too...

For every time you cuddled a new baby and loved all over it like it was your own.

For all the times you hugged and kissed a child that fell and hurt themselves.

For the sloppy kisses from puppies you received (puppies need mamas too).

For the moments you felt you needed to protect a child from harm.

For spending your time teaching children and helping them learn.

For every moment that you have given something up, shared or sacrificed for someone's child.

For every dance recital you clapped through, soccer game you cheered for, drawing you hung on your fridge, picture you've taken, diaper you've changed, baby you've rocked to sleep, moment of pride you've felt...



I am beyond words about just how lucky and blessed I have been to spend the last 2 Mother's Days with someone who calls me mama. My heart is so full, overflowing in fact, that soon another little girl will be able to fill that space by calling me "mama."



This pic is old but I feel like at the heart of this pic is what makes me a mom. Pjs, no make-up, definitely not showered, teeth brushed (maybe - but doubt it), and kids are in control. Real life.



Family is a beautiful thing.



Handsome Aksel

This was actually quite a while ago, but I had to share. h1





We had a play date with sweet Aksel, and his mama. Both kids are so much bigger than the last time they played together.





They are beyond adorable together. I love imagining and dreaming of their future friendship.


A couple pics of sissy. Wouldn't want her to feel left out.






Florida 2014


Let me start out by saying that this trip could not have come at a better time.

Seriously, y'all, seriously.

Mommy and Daddy had been dealing with a certain high maintenance someone (ahem - not Hazel - ahem) who does not like to sleep for very long stretches at night. She's pretty unreasonable about the whole ordeal. Long story short mommy was on the verge of going to pick up a pack of darts and coming back in 5 years (wink, wink - no not really). Literally, I was so tired that there  isn't a coffee bean (or 500 hundred) harvested in the entirety of Columbia that could have made me feel human.

So, in an effort to not leave and join the circus (which I am sure is much more lax and less dangerous than the current state of our home), we headed south.

And it was well worth the chaos of the airport and prep ahead of time. Hazel had a blast every day. Just being able to take the girls outside for a walk was worth the trip. It was a whole lotta, "doing-what-felt-right-at-the-time" to make decisions on daily activities. Overall, it was a low key, slow paced vacation, which incidentally was EXACTLY what we all needed.



Downtown Disney was a hit. Perfectly paced and perfectly priced. I would totally suggest making the visit. It gives you all the "Disney" feel without spending the "Disney" price. Especially if your kids are small and the big park might be too much.

It was a great afternoon spent bubble blowing, splashing in the splash pad, going on a walking adventure and playing with shadows.





Here is what Nola spent the afternoon doing. Sleeping in the Ergo...



When life gives you lemons in terms of timed sprinklers, make lemonade!




We visited the pool everyday...





Neighborhood pet - crocodile. Yikes!



Mornings, noons and nights hanging out in the lanai.









Spent some time in Celebration. One of our favourite places on earth.


There's a lot of nothing to do. It's perfect. Just walk, eat, splash, play, wish, drink, walk more, eat more. Need I say more?

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This dress...




Nightly sunsets...



Our family...



So grateful to have had a cozy place to stay and a chance for our family to reconnect and be present. Also, I there's that.

I DO have 2 Daughters...see

2 Parent fail #1245

I can't believe I haven't added a single post here about Nola's growth in 5 months.


I am going to condense it all into one post, in hopes that she won't pack a bag when she is 13, yelling and screaming at me that I loved her sister more than her. I'm trying to avoid a meltdown in 12 years from now. What can I say? I'm a planner.


Here are the stats from her first couple of doctors appointments...

6  8


Here is a little bit about my new girl, Nola. Just some of the many things that I never want to forget.


1. The very first thing, is her obsession with me. It's my favourite, obvi. When we are in our room at night getting ready for bed, Daddy does the final burp and swaddle. I should note that this is not limited to our bedroom, it's pretty much anywhere I am at all times. The entire time he is holding her she is looking for me. She cranes her little neck and head around as far as it can go just so she can look at me. And if I look back and make eye contact - well - the smile is absolutely magical. It shines light in a very dim room.

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2. I can count on one hand how many dinners she has missed since being born. Even as a newborn she was always awake for dinner time. Demanding to be a part of the ritual. We learned to do a lot with 1 hand at the dinner table.

3. Her tiny little features.





In particular her biggest smile...



and the little sparkle in her eye.



4. How she figured out how to roll from back to belly but just couldn't seem to consistently roll from her belly to back until she was almost 5 months. She used to get so frustrated when she got stuck on her belly.








5. How she's starting to become really interested in toys. With a particular interest in her feet. She grabs at everything, EVERYTHING!

6. How I can NEVER lay her down in a place where she can't see Hazel or she cries. She is very often sitting in her Bumbo or swing so that she can see all of us at all times. Especially when Hazel and Daddy are wrestling. Nola gets very protective of her sister and she has a very concerned cry when she thinks Hazel is getting hurt. I DIE!!!!

7. The way she talks to us with quiet little coos that sound like shes actually talking.  She also, has very VERY loud yells just because she can and she learned how. I especially love those when Hazel is asleep.

8. How when she grabs her toes, her belly and chest look so chubby and edible.


9. She laughs so hard every time we say the word "Boo"



10. She is seriously high maintenance. ALL THE TIME! She is not an "easy going - go with the flow" type of gal. She's happy all the time - sure - except when we are making her do something she doesn't want to do. Example, when we make her sleep, ride in the car, walk in the stroller, go in the sling. She likes all of those things and is completely content in any one of these situations, as long as it is on her terms that she is entered into said situation. If she's not up for a car ride, then FORGET it! Yet, she's still always smiling.




There is so much more that I try to stash away in the depths of my memory. I pray and hope that I never forget the way her feet are always sweaty, the way she rubs them together constantly. Or the way she looks at me while she's nursing (sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a furrowed brow). Or the way her mouth hangs open when we eat in front of her (she wants it bad). She has the most expressive little eyebrows (it really is quite something - one up, one down, straight line etc.). The way she thinks she a big girl. Just how fast she went from being a newborn to a little baby girl (way WAY too fast).

I'm still always working on her birth story, mostly in my head, but still. It's beautiful. I want to make sure I get it just right for her to read one day and know exactly what an impact she had on my soul. These things take time. Of which, I currently have none of due to the high maintenance caliber of my newest little. It shouldn't be much longer now.


Here you go, my dearest Nola. Not a day passes that I don't thank God for our most perfect gift.

Our Transition to Two

i1 I have been meaning to write this post for a while. WARNING! It's a long one. Take breaks. Or grab a coffee. It all has to be said...


I am sure some of you are wondering how it's going with 2 kids around here. To tell you the truth I had to refrain from writing anything for fear that it would come out all wrong. Sleep deprived, usually hungry, and always without a shower doesn't make for the best mood while writing.

Not to mention my uncanny ability to appreciate events only when they are behind me. Sometimes when your head feels like it's going to explode, you haven't showered in days and sleep is something that you remember vaguely, it's nearly impossible to enjoy the present moment (not that that's what happened to me or anything...pfft - I got this 2 kid thing under control guys).

I finally found a time that it is definitely less than ideal to live in the present moment (well not the whole time anyway).

This is OUR story. Allow me to paint a picture for you...

First being 41 weeks pregnant was as great as it sounds. WHAT???? NO, it was terrible. I am not one of those women who tried to enjoy the last moments that Nola and I shared one body. I wanted her out. Anyway...I digress. I will save that convo for the birth story.

So, I bring a newborn home. Hazel is super confused. Who is this little baby? What is she doing here? What is she doing to mommy's boobs? Why doesn't she go in my toy bin at the end of the day like the rest of the babies? Most importantly, when is she leaving?

Sounds like they have a precious bond, right?  Nope, not really.

The one huge bonus for Hazel for the first couple of weeks was that Daddy was home the whole time. Since mommy was always distracted with a new little baby, she attached herself quite unhealthily to her father. So every time he got up to leave the room she would stand at the baby gate and cry. Awesome! Also, whenever Nola cried, Hazel cried. When Nola cried and Hazel cried, mommy cried too. Pure bliss.

Oh and I should probably mention that this is my first time exclusively nursing. We did a bit with Hazel but because of her VSD it was not in the cards to breastfeed. So there's that whole "am-I-feeding-my-baby-enough-or-is-she-going-to-die" thing happening. Hormones are fun too, huh? Bad latches are the best (more on that later). Over abundance of milk supply that was choking my baby, causing blocked ducts and did I mention hormones already?

Note: Now for those of you reading that only have one child. Don't go getting any ideas to start trying for next one immediately after you read this. I know it sounds glamorous but please try to refrain.

Another note: For those who ARE pregnant with number 2 as we speak (if that's what you call this interaction) Please stop crying!!! Read until the end, it gets better I promise.

Now I don't want you all thinking that the transition went seamlessly or anything so on top of all the things I just mentioned. I want you to add crazy eye infections to everyone in the house (except Nola). Hazel's kept coming and going, so we had to take ALL her toys away, wash them, and quarantine them until there were no more signs of an eye infection. Imagine having to clean ALL her books. Every. Single. One. Every. Single. Page. Just the thing we needed, another daily chore. There were literally not enough hours in the day. And we were awake most of them. Yikes!!!

Now just as the eye infections were finally behind us. We got hit with this crazy super COLD/FLU virus that spared no one. Matt got the cold part. I got the FLU part (fever for 6 days straight). Hazel had it all. Poor babe, she was SO SO SO sick. Again, Nola was spared (maybe there is something to this breastfeeding thing).

You could say the first 6 weeks of having 2 kids was a little less than ideal. We were totally trapped in the house, not wanting to spread germs or acquire any new ones. I don't think I was fully able to foresee how a new little person in the house would create so much JOY and so much CHAOS at the same time. Unfortunately for us, we skipped the 'rain' part of "when it rains it pours" and headed straight into 100 mile an hour winds and an epic thunderstorm.


We were all just over the virus and were able to attend Christmas. The holidays were really difficult having a sick Hazel and a new born nursing. But we managed to enjoyed visiting family, eating a lot and watching our girls get completely, ridiculously, and generously spoiled.

January had a theme in our house. It went a little something like this.


"Bi@#hes be crazy!!!"


February. Was all about getting back to old routines and creating new ones that worked. And here we are...

Present day - March (ish - depending on when I actually had time to post this)



Nola is 4 months old. Feeding times have become less frequent and more manageable. She started sleeping through the night at about 6 weeks. But has since decided that she needs mommy a couple times a night (despite our efforts at dream feeding - mommy is pretty tired). Other than the sleep (or lack of sleep), she is an amazing baby. Happy all the time as long as she can see what we are all up to. Typical second child thing happening. Keep the girl involved at all costs. I remind her daily that she's just a baby but she's not convinced. I'm not a fan of her "go-getter" attitude at the moment.




THIS IS THE GOOD PART. If you are skimming or crying (due to fear of having the second child) PLEASE READ THIS PART!!!

Her soft coos have to be the sweetest sound to grace my ears. She has this excited little one breathy squeak that happens mostly when she lays eyes on me (and it's loud) that melts me instantly. The flirty little smile she stares at me with while she's nursing sends me deeper and deeper into the obsession I have for her.


If I could sit all day and just feed her, she would be completely satisfied with that. Never coming off to even breathe. Just sleep, eat, flirt - repeat. The first couple of times we offered her a bottle were NEVER well received, but she is starting to see it Daddy's way. Girlfriend definitely knows what she wants and also she screams pretty loud when she doesn't get it. I kinda love this about her (and kinda not so much - kwim?)




The way Nola looks for Hazel when she can hear her in the room playing.

Nola tries to mimic the sounds that Hazel makes when Hazel makes them, like they are telling tales to each other that only they can understand.

She tries to reach for her but Hazel will have nothing to do with it. Hazel is coming around but still not sure what Nola has to offer her.


The way Nola's entire face lights up when Hazel actually decides to give her the time of day is perfection. It makes me so excited for their future together. I get to watch their story unfold. I get to be a part of their life path. What a privilege to watch something so profound start from the tiniest little seed. It all started with a glance...

There are no words for how at peace my heart feels when they are loving on each other.


Also, there are no words for the rage I feel when Hazel is mean to Nola. And so it begins...



So that's it. Parenting 2 children has been interesting? (yes that's a question mark)

Blogging has become a challenge, cooking is the exception not the rule, showering is a privilege, privacy in the bathroom is unheard of, sitting is a gift that occasionally happens. Oh and recruiting help from family and friends is at an all time high. Cause I'm cool like that and can admit that my kiddos are eating me alive and that I absolutely could not do it alone.

Still after all the crazy, I look at my kids at LEAST once every single day and wonder how we got so blessed. They are perfect. They are exactly what we need. They are EXACTLY what each other needs. They teach me about selflessness and perseverance everyday. They make me smile and laugh. They make me proud.


I am constantly having to remind myself to live in the present moment and enjoy the days where my kids are here and little and learning. A thing that is tough to do when the list of tasks is multiplied by 2. I am trying. My kids are teaching me as much as I am teaching them.


At the moment, I am thankful every time Hazel spots me from across the room, runs over and wraps her little arms around my neck. She pulls away just far enough to see my face and smiles and says, "Ooooo." I am filled with gratitude when Nola, makes eye contact with me, smiles so so big and tries to tell me her stories. I am obsessed with how Hazel can make Nola stop crying by standing in front of her and saying "Hi." I adore how Hazel's interest in Nola has been growing. Their relationship consists of subtle looks, genuine kisses, lots of hugs and a great deal of "This Little Piggy." I die when I am walking around the house rocking and 'shush'ing Nola to sleep and Hazel is rocking and 'shush'ing right along side me. My heart melts just a bit every time they are in the crib together just hanging out, chillin' listening to tunes (ahem...the mobile).


These are the moments that I am going to remember when these days are far behind me. These little details are what I am going to long for. They are what will make me willing to trade all my earthly possessions for just one more day with my little girls. Just one more hug, one more smile, one more soft coo, one more squeak, one more curious moment shared between them. in honour of the fact that time passes way to quickly...I try really hard to love the chaos that is life - NOW.


My family...


I am honoured.


5 Tips: Bringing Home a New Baby

I know that bringing home a new baby is an exciting and blessed time for new parents. I also know that it is one of the most stressful events that may ever be experienced. I thought since we are in the thick of it here, meaning - knee deep in nursing babes, dirty diapers and puke on everything, I would share a few tips on how we try to stay organized among all the chaos. I know everyone is different and needs to do what works for them. So I offer these tips as a starting point. You can start out trying this method and then tweak it to whatever suits you, your partner and your baby. I also know that I am by no means an expert at this but I still I offer you some suggestions.

If this is your first time here on Chasing Hazel....

I have 2 lovely baby girls. Hazel just turned 2 and Nola who is 4 months. They are 21 months apart. There's a reason I am just getting to this blog post now. Times are crazy! I am still relatively sane and I have a whole new respect for mamas out there who have more than 2 children (especially ones so close in age - YIKES).

I sincerely hope this takes the edge of some stress for y'all!!!



1. Laundry Factory

I hope you have a good washing machine. Between spit up and diaper blow outs, we go through receiving blankets, sleepers and baby wash cloths very quickly. It's a good idea to get a system in place for getting it done quickly. Like have your mother or mother-in-law come over and do it for you. I kid... (NOPE!)


2. Have a Travel Basket

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I bring this basket with me where ever I am in the house. It has all the necessities for new baby. It's so nice to have a portable station having another little to chase after. I use the small basket for waste (dirty diapers, wash cloths and outfits) and I empty it at the end of the day.


Note: If you have a lot of space in your home (which I do not) you might want to set up the pack and play in the room where you spend most of your time. Maybe not really for sleeping or playing at first but just to have all essentials in one place. Again, if you have another babe at home it's sometimes hard to go to the nursery for all the feedings and changing that the new baby is going to need.


3. Clean Out a Drawer in your Kitchen/Bedroom

Even if you are breast feeding you might find you still need a home for pacifiers, bottles, pump parts, wash cloths etc. in the kitchen. Also, before you know it you need cups, plates and spoons.

I have a change station in my night stand. We spend a lot of time nursing and hanging in bed after Hazel goes to sleep. It's nice to have a spot for everything we need. Also, I am loving Netflix at the moment!!!


4. Have "Your People" Bring You Food

I CAN NOT stress this one enough. For the love of God!!!! Anyone who wants a snuggle with the new babe needs to bring you food!!! It's even more ideal (especially in the first few weeks) if they just drop off the food and go. Don't be afraid to tell people you are not up for a visit. Some days and nights will be longer and more draining than others. Do what works for you and the new baby.



Reach out to friends and family who you trust and are willing to help. If they want to come over and clean your house, do your laundry, cook food for you or hold a fussy babe so you can rest. LET THEM!!! People want to help, it makes them feel good. Also, you need it. Admit that to yourself right away and life will be grand.


If you are nursing you might want to get in contact with a Lactation Consultant in your area. Developing a good nursing relationship with your new baby can be more difficult than it seems for some moms and babes so it's great to have a resource to help you get established. My experience was not easy. It took months to get to where we are now and I couldn't have done it without my LC and my extremely supportive husband (also my extremely determined personality that refused to quit - not that this is a good thing).


Ahhhhhhh what the heck here's an extra BONUS TIP:

6. SLEEP!!!

Whenever. Where ever. Things will get done. If you get the chance SLEEP! If your baby will only sleep in your arms, then your arms it is. If they only sleep in the swing, then the swing it will be. If they only sleep in the arms of grandma, then build her a room. If they will only sleep if they are facing east, laying on their side, with a specific blanket tucked a specific way, with classical or rap music on, then that's what you have to do. I truly DO NOT believe you can spoil a baby within the first 3 months of their life. DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO STAY SANE!


I don't know guys! I'm not a pro. This is just what helps us get through the days with 2 small terrorists who are winning negotiations at the moment. I am working on a post with info on bringing home baby #2. Hope this helps!

ANY other mothers out there with suggestions please feel free to leave a comment. How did you do it? What tips do you have?



A girl's first haircut

Turns out your child's first hair cut is a big deal. Who knew? After a really long few months trapped at home. Hazel and Mommy were able to get out for haircuts. Desperately needed for both of us!


I suppose I should mention that immediately after I took this photo, Hazel realized there was a huge salon, with lots to see and do.

She was gone.


I spent about 15 minutes literally "chasing hazel" around. She found out where the music was coming from and went to stand in front of the speaker to dance. She went to each hair stylist's station to check out what they were doing.


She watched as the clients got their hair washed and rinsed (sometimes adding in a private dance just for them). It was busy. And hilarious. Literally everyone in the salon was smiling along with her.


She was really very good about sitting in the chair. Thank you iPad!!! You helped me to not look like a complete failure at the salon (or wait - did I look like a bigger failure BECAUSE of the iPad? One can never tell exactly how they are failing these days).



Baby's girls first snips...



Bless our hair stylist, Rob at Cabello. A long time friend of the family who is amazing at his job. Love his whole fam!!!



She was helping...




This is the best pic I could get of the final product.



This last pic. Well, it could NOT be more perfect. "Hazel where's your hair?" She was obvi cool with showing us but she wasn't about to stop watching her shows. Sooooooooo...



Love it. Such a great time with my girl. And yes my mom had to come and help. So between the iPad and my moms help, I had total control of my 2 year old in the salon - I really am the best! You guys would have to try really hard to have it all together like me. Or you can just borrow my mom anytime you want....HA!!!! That's my strategy. Don't knock it...


Hazel's Big Girl Room

Back when I was nesting (preparing for a new baby by giving my old baby a brand new bedroom), I met one of the greatest loves of my life. PAINT!!!

Not just any old paint, American Paint Company - Chalk and Mineral base paint. I cannot tell you how easy it is to use, it's safe for a kids bedroom, and it gives the best distressed look to old furniture. Basically, I became so obsessed with this paint, if things weren't nailed down they were likely going to find themselves with a shiny new coat of paint. It was bad. Good thing I was really pregnant at the time and eventually my energy fizzled out. I could only do so much.


Here are some of the items that were subjected to my nesting obsession:

1. Toddler swing - bought for 5$ at antique shop



Picture frame - 20$ at antique shop



Wooden plaques - 24$

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Old hutch - 50$ at yard sale

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Here's how they ended up in Hazel's room...




Ok...I didn't paint this mirror. I bought it at an antique shop just like that. Hazel loves to sit in front of it and talk, read, and dance.


I decided to hang her Christening gown instead of leave it in the closet.



This is the hutch I bought for $50 and painted. OBSESSED!!!


How much do I love that she's closing the door on me already???


I think she likes her new room...


Curtains and bedding custom made by Bellalulubaby.