Fall is Here - Officially

Fall is here....you know how I know? Cause all this is happening. Plus, it smells, feels and tastes so good.



There are certain things that only happen in fall. They come at you hard and strong and suddenly, there it is. You find yourself embracing all the pumpkin scented candles, freshly picked apple pies, pulling out your sweaters, and sliding into your cozy warm jeans (well some of us still fit into our jeans, I'll do the sweater thing for now).

The sound of football games in the background all DAY on Sundays. Hazel and I are fans.




I always find it hard to be sad about summer coming to an end. I LOVE the changing season - the leaves, the weather, the apples and peaches. There just seems to be this feeling of "settling" that comes with the fall. A little more, "What can I cook for dinner tonight?" or "Let's bake something" or "Does anyone know of a good book to read?"



Another reminder that it's fall, apple picking with little people...



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I know these are blurry but I couldn't help but add them.

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Hope you are enjoying the Fall so far. There's only 1 thing left that I'm waiting to enjoy. The changing leaves. Soon enough they will change and fall my friends.


Mad INSANE Love for Vita!!!

v Let me start by saying that I am not a "photo shoot" kind of gal. For Hazel - YES. For me - NO! Even a family shoot is a little out of my comfort zone. But when you see images like this...sigh.

about us


Forget maternity shots!!! And yet I agreed...because...well...


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I know that these moments pass by all to quickly and all we are left with is vague memories. Memories that hopefully include certain scents, a significant sound, or a special place which help us access our past and try to remember everything about that time period.

I find myself staring at Hazel more often than not, taking mental notes on the way she throws her head back and pretends to laugh...



Or the way she makes a pouty little face accompanied by a pouty little sound, which to the best of my knowledge, means she wants a hug.



The way I ask her for a hug, she rests her face on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my neck. When in position, she lets out this little, ever so silent sigh, almost like a breath. It's like she's been waiting forever to be just there, right where she is, perched on my shoulder.

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Or the way she says, "That's it!" with the accompanying hand motion (like an umpire calling someone safe at home plate after a HUGE play in the game. It's all very dramatic).



Or how she wants to be free to roam around and explore the world...



The way her knees are just starting to lift and bend when she walks. How she still enjoys a good session of the bear walk every now and again (when she wants to go really fast).



I make note of how she feels, smells and eats the grass, mulch, dirt, and basil plants just to see how it feels in her hands and on her tongue.




How excited she gets when I pull the bubbles out. Her face when she sees her daddy. His face when he sees her...



How she would sit and read with us all day. How she would sing and sign, the "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Wheels on the Bus" and "5 Little Ducks" with us after the books were put away.



I could go on and on AND ON. Those are some of the things I don't ever want to forget.

And we always think we won't forget, don't we? But we do. Maybe not fully but the memories fade, we keep what we can in our hearts and heads and move on to try and store new memories.

My point...

This is why I love Vita Photography.

Tiffany gives me all of this to hold on to. She captures all those moments and special little qualities that make Hazel, Hazel.



She gives real life documents of the moments that make us, US. Our family.




I look at the photos and I know what Hazel was doing in each one of them. I know what sound she was making. I know how her body was moving. I know if she was over it and wanted nothing to do with getting that photo done. Also, the times that she was laughing so hard with her daddy that we couldn't help but all laugh together.





I don't know about you but I NEVER want to get my family photos done any other way.




Check out Vita Photography here. Tiff truly has a passion for her job and is able to capture all the beautiful, unique traits that make your family, YOURS.

Sharing LOTS of love today!


Room Reno-ing

We have finally started to get the house ready for a new baby. I mean, we've been chipping away but now I see major project-y things starting to get accomplished. Old trim is down, new trim painted. Closet organizers being designed and put in. Material picked out. Paint on the walls. We are making nice head way. Good news since I'm nearly 34 weeks! We decided to move the girls (AH-ha "the girls" - Sounds perfect) into their own rooms which means we switched Hazel's bedroom. Here is a shot of our spare bedroom before...


Will post after pics when we are done. No worries!


In other news....BUBBLES!!!!

An activity that mommy actually still has the energy for past 3:30 in the afternoon. Also, I love FALL. Not sure if I have ever mentioned that before.




Oh and also...Is it Wednesday already?

Enjoy your week...


Enjoying the last bits of summer

As we are heading into the fall season once again, I thought I would share some of our last wee bits of summer now. PicMonkey Collage1

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The family got together for a very much needed beach & boat day. It really was a perfect day to relax and enjoy each others company. The kids all had a blast playing at the beach, tubing and I think, they ate dinner in the hot tub. Rough life! Just the kind of life that kids need to have. Carefree and fun! Awesome, awesome day!!!


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Back at home, while the weather is still holding, we have been trying to get all the use we can out of this little pool. So low maintenance (for pregnant mommy) and so perfect for her to climb in and out when she wants. It wasn't until daddy came to play with us that I realized the pool had an added water feature.

Fun factor increased 10 fold!!!

Mommy Fail.


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So that's it. That's what the end of the summer looks like 'round these parts. I have a feeling a "Welcoming Fall" post will be in the making shortly.

Enjoy the last bits of the nice weather, where ever you all are!!!


Labour Day 2013

We have 2 really cool traditions that we have started with our families to celebrate Labour Day Weekend. ld4


The first is a family day out at the cottage.

What's so great about it, is that it's a day where my family and Matt's family get to spend the afternoon catching up after a busy summer. Also, it's at the cottage. That always makes things better.



This is Hazel's new obsession (I posted a video on IG with Matt's IG account @seegs34 - check it out). She is like a little pro with this ribbon, walking all around and swinging her little arms. So very entertaining to watch. Nice find Auntie Paula!


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These 2...Love it!



She is doing really well at learning not to hit and to be nice. This is her nice face. She still hits but it's only like a quarter of the time she used to - not bad right? Yikes! Not to worry we are very careful that the dogs are treated fairly and justly by Hazel.




The second event is now officially being called...



Our annual Venice Dinner.


Here is the post from last year's dinner. It gives you more detail into where this dinner originated...in Venice.

We honour our quest for finding the biggest tomato that ever existed to celebrate the event. This year we got it from one of our Zia's who grew it herself. This tomato can definitely hold it's own when compared to the original. It's the closet we have gotten since the actual Venice tomato. Thank you Zia, you are amazing!!!

Here she is...


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Our new little faces from last year are not so little anymore...


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Also, I DID NOT get the memo that we should all wear our "hammer pants" to the event. But somehow Hazel did!!! Believe it or not this was not planned with any of the girls. Synchronicity at it's best, I suppose. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE!



This year there were talks of an anniversary trip back to Venice. We are thinking 10 year anniversary, so 5 years from now!!!! WOOT!!!!



Growin' a Baby

31 Weeks!!!


I can't believe how fast time seems to be going. I am really not one to talk a lot about being pregnant but I figure another update might be in order. The last one was at 20 weeks. Yikes!!!



I am very happy to say that this pregnancy has been very uneventful. Just a baby girl growing, kicking, hiccuping, and barely ever sleeping. Soooooooo....Yeah...there's that. I'm not scared!!!!

I'M NOT!!!!

So, obviously we have started "Nesting." Is there another choice when you have a baby coming? To me it's more preparing than "nesting." You can't just grab a bail of hay, throw it in a corner somewhere, label it a "manger" and call it a day. Babies need beds, safe places to hang out, and lots and lots of little tiny things. Thus, we have started dusting off (not that they have been hangin' around too long) and collecting 'said' little tiny things.

How am I feeling?

I REALLY, REALLY try hard not to complain about being pregnant, since it took me so long to get there the first time around. Also, I try to be very sensitive to fertility experiences and know what y'all are going through and/or have been through. We really do feel blessed to have been given this little surprise the 2nd time around (and NEVER thought it was even in the realm of possibility). So, that said...

Overall, I feel really good. A welcome change from my first pregnancy where I had morning sickness until about 34 weeks. The last three weeks were great though!!! For this pregnancy, I was really lucky to have lots of energy in the 2nd trimester, which has since started to come in smaller doses. I am still literally "Chasing Hazel" everyday which tends to drain all the energy I have. Poor Matt is left to pick up the pieces around here - let's just say - "OFTEN."

Emotionally, I am just getting ready to meet this little girl. Some days I am so excited to get my hands on her and some days I am scared out of my mind what it might look like to juggle 2 babes. I know many have "came, saw and conquered" before us, so I am pretty sure it's possible - BUT still! You could all be masochists...I'm just sayin'


Here is a pic of me at 31 weeks with Hazel. It's a lot of boobs and belly I know...I didn't have blog back then and NEVER intended for these to be seen. Alas, here we are...


Here is a pic of me with Baby #2. Again with the boobs and belly. You either love it or you hate it...


Here's a side by side, just to give you an even better idea. It is very obvious to me that I was much bigger with Hazel. I remember being very uncomfortable with her from about 16 weeks along. Come to find out I had an excess build up of amniotic fluid because Hazel wasn't digesting it properly. You will find out more about the details of Hazel's pregnancy in my birth story, which I will be posting very VERY soon!!!

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Thanks so much for being patient about the birth story. I am trying to get it just right. It's so close, just have to add pics, links and edit once more. I am really excited to share it with you. And yes...it will be before the new baby comes.

Happy 1st Day of school to all those who started today. A day of new beginnings is a good day!!!




Weekend Round Up

This weekend was a lot about waking-up-and-doing-what-felt-right-in-that-moment and a little about rushing-around-to-try-and-be-everywhere. Especially, since Hazel came down with a stomach bug to start the weekend off with a bang. Her first one ever, so I guess I can't complain, but we certainly weren't laughing about this one (unlike the bronchiiiiiiiiiiitis). There was definitely not enough sleep to go around this weekend for any of us, but she is on the mend and is back to her active, loud, happy little self. However, now she is getting both of her eye teeth and one of her bottoms all at the same time. Needless to say she is a little irritable at times.

Looking back at the pics from this weekend, I feel like we still managed to enjoy small moments together as a family and get some visits in as well. Success!!!


We had a visit from Nonna, Nonno B and Zia Gina. Just try and tell Hazel she's not going to get her license one day. Good luck to that pour soul.

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We made it to the Farmer's Market to grab some treats and then hang in the park.

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We made it to the cottage for a visit with family.



(PS: We get to go here, to this place, anytime we want...Lucky much?)


We had time to get the all time BEST photo taken of the 4 girls.


Her cousins are always up for some Hazel lovin'.

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My all time favourite moment. Let me just say the pregnancy hormones are at an all time high around here at the moment. Which means I am either breathing fire or on the verge of tears (or both at the exact same moment - Awesome!). Anyway, there were a few times this weekend that these 2 had me choking back tears. This was one. And the others, I get to store in my memory and keep to myself. I adore these 2. I adore how much they love each other more than anything else.



Nico. Just because in the 6.5 years that we have had her, her ears have almost NEVER both been up at the same time.



Lastly, this video is great. Jimmy Fallon, Robin Thicke and The Roots. Instead of listening to Big Parade we listened to and watched this. Amazing what can be done with a bunch of kids toys. Hazel was into it, dancing and carrying on.

I *heart* Jimmy Fallon...sigh

Click here if having trouble viewing


Peace & Gratitude


Family-Palooza 2013

Now that my head is only slightly spinning and my body has regained some energy from the crazy, busy, family-filled weekend that we just had, I can post a few pics. We had lots of family in from out of town and got to spend lots of time catching up, eating, drinking (well....everyone else anyway - I ate cake instead). I will say there was a such an enormous amount of punch consumed (you know who you are) that the term "punch drunk" was used. Awesome!!! I know that it doesn't sound ideal to have all the days of an entire weekend (Friday to Monday) booked and planned. It leaves very little time to relax and do the stuff that the weekends are made for. But, if you got to hang out with my crazy Italian family, you might change your opinions about what your ideal weekend would look like.

It might look something like this...




A good old fashion game of "copy-cat"...



Decorating my entire path with sidewalk chalk...LOVE!!!!

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Babies sharing (sort of)...



Adorable little boys wearing adorable little girl hats (and that's all)...



A 60th birthday milestone. Happy Birthday Zio Eugene!!!



A 1st birthday milestone. Happy Birthday sweet Monroe!!!



Trying to get 4 active babies to all look in the same direction (clearly we had no luck)...



Cousin bonding, lots of it...



Where ever you find Hazel, you find several hilarious facial expressions.

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Playing until we couldn't play anymore...

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A huge, momentous milestone...

Happy 60th Anniversary to Nonno and Nonna!!!


We are all so blessed that our beautiful family only started with 2. We have learned to cherish our family and rely on tradition in order to really embrace each other from your wonderful example. Your sacrifices over the years have been countless and have left us with a legacy to carry on. Congratualtions!!!


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To conclude a great weekend, we also managed to get a visit in with the rest of the family as well.

Happy Birthday Auntie Paula!!!

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Wishing you many more happy years of making memories and enjoying small moments with everyone that you love.



I told ya. It seems like a pretty ideal weekend after all, right?

Peace, Love & Gratitude




A Quick "Hello"


While our heads are still spinning from an action packed weekend (which means it's going to take me a bit to settle in with new pics and posts for the blog), I thought I would share our very few IG moments from this weekend.


Note: The chubby little leg you see crawling under the drawer is Archer, Hazel's cousin. He went in the front and out the side, complaining about his decision the whole time. He really does think he is a big boy at barely 9 months. In the end, he worked it out and came out unscathed, only emotional scars remain.


Note #2: The pic of Hazel laying on the deck was the result of her trying to climb up onto the couch, which she successfully did in the bottom left pic. No physical injury came as a result, but she was emotionally scarred that the couch had forsaken her.


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Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!!


"Festivus" in July

Here are some of the memories we made this summer. July has been kind to us so far. Allowing us to spend time together as a little family and time with our big family. We are grateful to be able to have the opportunity to share gorgeous days with people we love.  

We have been celebrating Hazel and how healthy and happy she is a year after her heart surgery.

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Her favourite snack is ice cream. She tried licking it out of the cone, until she realized it was faster to just hold the cone with one hand and use her fingers to dig the rest out.

Also, she thinks she is HYSTERICAL when she sneaks up behind you and jumps on your back. She starts laughing from the minute the idea gets into her head, even if you are far away from her. She just laughs her way over, climbs up and laughs harder.

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Hazel's cousin, Emilia, turned 8.



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I love the look of the 4 girls sitting all together at the table (even though Hazel is really starting to look like a big girl).

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A great poolside family get together.




Hazel's spends so much time talking to the baby in the reflection. It's one of her favourite things to do outside. She sits in front of the patio doors and talks, sways, stands up, sits down - pretty much everything she knows how to do she does.



Also, she likes Popsicles. THE FACE!



Hope you are all enjoying summer so far!



IG Monday

We had a great weekend! Productive on the home-front AND visiting with family from out of town. The kind of weekend that I wish I had the energy to get my camera out for. There were so many moments that I found myself dreaming for the ability to perform telekinesis and that my camera would just come to me. Or even a "Go-Go-Gadget Arm" would have done the trick. Anyway...FAIL!!! I have no pics since I have no superpowers nor did I have the energy to get the camera and well...FAIL (IG is going to have to do for now).


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If you want to follow us on IG our user name is Chasing_Hazel. Or check out our Facebook page, Chasing Hazel here.


The nesting process has officially begun, starting with big projects like siding the house and purging unnecessary furniture to make room for two bedroom renos with a crib in each. I remember the days not too long ago when I thought we would NEVER have 1 crib, never mind 2. So incredibly shocking where our life has ended up. Needless to say, I am one tired little girl today. Mama needs a rest!!!


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We would love to hear some of your favourite moments from this weekend. What did you do to celebrate life?




These girls...

Let me just preface by saying, "I'm not complaining..." BUT, it's so hot outside right now that between a pregnant belly and an under 2 year old, we are feeling pretty trapped inside these days. I know it could be worse, I know!!! We are lucky to not have hurricanes or tornadoes or earthquakes. All I'm sayin' is, I wanna go outside with my girl!

Back when it was nice enough to be outside (which was only like two weeks ago - ok - I guess maybe I'm complaining a bit. Feel free to stop reading and just look at the pics in this post), Hazel visited with her fwend Allie.

Such a beautiful little girl, reminds me so much of her mama. I thought I would post a couple pics of Allie for those who are wondering how much she has grown over the past while.





Tell me her mama isn't with her all the time? I am not this good of a photographer.





These girls together just make everything feel right. I feel connected to Apryl. I feel so much peace just having them in the same room together. It's like therapy for me. They just make sense.

Singin' some songs...



Sharin' some popsicles...




It was great to see you Allie Belle...Love you!


We have been busy making some great memories this summer. Visiting with family and close friends. I will post some pics soon. They are some of the best ones I've seen yet!

Hope you are enjoying the weather...where ever you are!!!


Oh...Nothin'...just some dreams coming true

Back in the NICU days, where we met some wonderful friends, we used to dream of a time that we could bring our kids to the park or for a picnic together. Some days we would sit and dream about what it would be like to have our little babes out in the open air, beyond the walls of the hospital. We wanted to make it happen last year but with Hazel's heart surgery, summer came and went. Picnics and days at the park were few and far between, if any at all. Well - it finally happened. A picnic and a whole afternoon spent at the park with our friends from the NICU. And we even got to see the nurses who played such a HUGE role in helping us all get on our feet!!!




I was in my glory the afternoon relishing in the moment. One of our dreams came true right before my very eyes. The kids all ate lunch together on blankets, chased after bubbles, got super messy faces, drank out of anyone's sippy cups but their own and splashed around in the water.

















Adventures in the splash pad. We laughed, they cried (and by "they" I mean Hazel), we hugged, it was all good.






Here is how Hazel spent the entire ride home...



One of my all time favourite days, with some of my favourite families!


Missing a friend today

It has been 365 days since my friend, Apryl, has left us. Not 1 of those 365 days have passed where I didn't think of her at least once. She left us way to soon but managed to leave a piece of herself with me forever. I'm sure Apryl is watching over her daughter, Allie, from a place where she has found some peace. Even in her spirit life she provides me peace by watching over Hazel. A gift that I feel so honoured and blessed to have been given.

You are forever missed and never forgotten in our home.




Today I choose to celebrate life. Everyday is a gift.


It's a...

Ok...like I am just going to put it right here at the beginning. If you just CAN'T wait, scroll to the bottom to find out (but come back to the top to see how it all unraveled). I think the progression of pics is pretty funny.


Who is this handsome lad? What is he doing in the reveal post you ask? Well...this is, Jay, the lighting model for the reveal photo shoot. I think he's cute.



Jay belongs to Heidi, who was the first to know and arrange the reveal for Matt and I. Here's her reaction to the news...




The moment of truth...I DIE!!! You can tell instantly when I know...





Matt knows...










IT'S A GIRL!!!!!






We told Hazel she's going to have a sister.




Now I can tell you how we feel about having 2 girls. We COULD NOT be happier!!!

I was genuinely shocked when the docs told me Hazel was a girl. I was convinced we were having a boy for the entire pregnancy. This time, I was CONVINCED it was a boy. I am not quite sure why but I always just felt like we were going to be parents to boys. We opened the little box and much to my surprise, there was a pink candy. Talk about shocked!!! Knowing I would be skeptical, I had the ultrasound tech give us a pic of the baby's goods, just so I could be sure.

YUP...It's a girl!!!

With every single day that passes more excitement grows in my heart that Hazel (and the new baby) get to have a sister. They can grow old together and nurture each other in only the ways that girls know how. They can fight over clothes, and toys, and everything, just as sisters do. The important part is that they will look out for each other. They will understand each other in only the way that sisters can. They will grow old together. Supporting each other in challenging times, leaning on each other in times of despair and laughing with each other in times of joy. They will always have each other - no matter what.

What could possibly make a mother feel more at ease and content? We are bursting to share this baby with Hazel and we thank the Lord and the universe everyday for this new baby girl.


Have a great week everyone!!!



FAQ Answers

About a week or so ago I posted an FAQ post, where I opened the flood gates to you all to ask ANY questions you may have been wondering about.  

Here are the answers to the few questions that were asked:

1. I’ve noticed in many photos that Hazel wears a beaded necklace. Is there some significance to it?

Actually, I have been asked this question so many times. It's a good one.

Hazel is wearing an Amber Teething Necklace. She has been wearing one since she was a wee babe and is totally used to it hanging around her neck. Amber is known to have natural healing properties that help to ease the pain a child might feel from teething. It DEFINITELY works for Hazel. I much prefer to use this instead of giving her medicine for the pain (but sometimes you do what you gotta do!!!)



Here is a link to more information about Teething Necklaces from a store in our local community where they can be purchased. Here is what "Sweetheart Baby Boutique" found out about Amber necklaces:

“The warmth from the skin releases the active ingredient in the Baltic amber, succinic acid. Recent scientific research has proved that succinic acid has a very positive influence on the human body. It improves immunity and the balance of acids when absorbed into the bloodstream, it stimulates the thyroid glands to help reduce drooling and soothes red inflamed cheeks. Amber’s anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are recognized by allopathic medicine as a natural analgesic, which will help to relieve teething pain and calm a baby without resorting to drugs. The skin’s warmth releases healing oils from the amber, a resin, which is absorbed into the bloodstream."

Hope that helps, thanks for asking!!!


2. Where did you get Hazel's Activity Center?


It has been such a great tool for Hazel. She started using it at around 7 months and is still using it now. We have used it for Physio, for playing, for dancing, and for keeping Hazel out of trouble while mommy gets things done. It was a shower gift from our very generous friends. They got it at "Toys R Us", here is a pic. I can't seem to find the same one at Toys R Us online. They must have a new model out. Here is a link to that one. But here is the same one at Walmart.




3. When are you coming to Australia?


Don't worry Auntie Jennine we are planning on coming that way as soon as we possibly can. We got a little held up with the fetus that decided to take up residence in me for a little while. LOVE YOU!!!


Thanks to all who asked questions. I love hearing from readers!!!! If you ever have any questions about anything please feel free to ask!!!



Half Way There - WOOT!!!

I am not one to post a lot about my pregnancy, but since I just crossed over the half way point I thought I would check in. I guess having been through fertility issues, it's still a sensitive topic to write about for me. I have been posting some pics on IG, just to keep it real. I have been feeling great these last few weeks. Not a great deal of morning sickness (anymore - I was pretty sick for the first 16 weeks). My energy has returned and I once again feel ready to face the world (and by "world" I mean Hazel). It's definitely not the same the second time around.

I have been feeling the baby move around and kick a lot. Just gently reminding me that there is in fact a baby in there. Matt got to feel for the first time this week. I feel so much more comfortable this time around.

I think I'm not showing as quickly either, but it's so hard to say.

Hazel at 20 weeks



Baby #2 at 20 weeks



Oh...and...also....we decided to find out this time.






...and we will share just as soon as we tell the family. I will do a full reveal post soon.


Hazel says - "shhhhhhh, it's a secret for now"



Gratitude & Health




FAQ & June antics so far

Just throwin' it out there... I realized that I have never done a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) post on the blog and I was entertaining the idea of throwing the option out there. Although I feel like I am very open about issues such as Hazel's health, her therapies, milestones, and behaviour...YOU may still have questions that remain unanswered.

Now is the time to voice your questions!!! I would be happy to entertain some questions you may have about anything really. Please remember to be kind, that's all I ask!!!

If you have a question, feel free to leave it in the comments of this post and I will try to answer it. I'm excited to hear what you want to know, if anything at all!!!


In other June business...


We have been busy lately just hangin' around, visiting friends & family, eating lots of cake and letting babies grow.



Hazel stayed snuggled into Pip's armpit for quite a while. Even her cousins couldn't distract her.



Lots of water play whenever the weather cooperates.



Enjoying eating dinners out with Hazel while she still likes to sit in her highchair while at restaurants.



Cause sometimes at dinner she ends up looking like this. Ok...most times!!!



This one was from Mother's Day but I LOVE it!!!



Hope to hear from you all...



Thoughts on Leaving

Our vacation feels like forever ago but here are some thoughts on the matter...  

So how many of you were like, "I could never leave my kid for 10 days!!!" after hearing that Matt and I were going on our vacation?

Honestly, I said it to myself like a thousand times before I left. And then I left, and I was gone and she was without her mama.

Keeping in mind that she was in the best possible hands besides my own (Nonna and Nana). I want my girl to trust them with her life. I want to provide opportunities for them to care for her and provide for her. One of my goals as a parent is to make sure Hazel trusts her family just as she trusts us.

Nevertheless, leaving was one of the more difficult things I have ever had to do.


I say this because, remember when, I had to hand my 28 hour old babe to nurses and doctors that I had never met before and trust that they were capable and well educated enough to fix my girl. Never met them and had to surrender my most prized possession, whom I had just barely got my own hands on, to strangers. I had no control, it was not on my terms and it was what was best for my baby. THAT...was the second hardest thing we've ever done.

The reason I say second is because we were so overwhelmed with the process of having a new baby and all the emotions that go along with it that we didn't have time to internalize what was actually happening. Also, we literally have THEE worlds most supportive family there is. When Hazel was brought down for her surgery we had an entire waiting room full of family - FULL! They had food, coffee and some of the most thoughtful gifts we could have received. They were there, fully present, with tears and hugs and laughter and distraction and LOVE. So much love my eyes fill with tears as I type these words. We are blessed. Without them I don't know what would have become of us that day, or any day after.

We are blessed.

Hands down the most difficult thing we had to do was hand our 5 and a half month old daughter, who we had come to know, learn from and love more than life itself, to another stranger to have her little tiny heart exposed and repaired by other strangers. Seriously, I think they literally had to pry her out of my arms. I had no strength. I could barely put one foot in front of the other. Matt and I both just hovered in a place in time that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.  Again, there was a room FULL of family and friends that all took time out of their days with their kids to come, sit, wait and support.

We are blessed.

So back to the original question. Can you imagine leaving your baby for 10 days to go on a vacation?

I can...that was easier than all the other challenges we have been faced with so far. Was it difficult? Of course. Did I cry at night when my girl was so far away? Sometimes. Was I worried about her well being and health? Not for one second. This time I knew the people I was entrusting my daughters life with. I have seen them interact with Hazel. I have watched them love her and her love them right back. I have seen them make good decisions based on Hazel's needs. I trust them and they were not strangers.

So, yeah, it was tough to walk away, relinquish control, be miles and miles from a piece of your soul. But, it was a nice break from, cooking, cleaning, preparing, OT, PT, and the million other things that we call reality.

We are blessed to have been given the opportunity.


Back at the home front, not too much has changed. Hazel has been enjoying her nesting cups immensely ever since she figured out that they all fit together nicely.





I thought I would throw this one in just to prove that kids with Down Syndrome are NOT always happy...



Since we have been home we have been enjoying the weather outside and taking advantage of all opportunities to blow bubbles and water play (2 activities that sister can't get enough of). I can not explain how happy I am to just sit outside and watch Hazel explore. I am so excited for her to grow and learn.

I can hardly wait to enjoy the rest of the summer watching her grow and providing new experiences for her. It's the little things, I guess.






The game: I say "splash" and she throws the balls in the water. Then she makes a face and waits for the water to splash her.




Peace & Love



We're Baaaaaaack!!!

I hope all of you very loyal Chasing Hazel readers have not given up on us!!! I think that was the longest I have gone without posting since this blog was created. I am sorry for our absence, but sometimes vacations are necessary (especially when you are growing a tiny human). I will post some pics from our world travels soon. Also, I will post some pics of what shenanigans Hazel is up to now-a-days.

We celebrated Mim's birthday with the family. Happy Birthday!!! Love you Mim!!!



I LOVE this pic of Daddy and Hazel. Nothing like a silhouette pic to get the emotional juices flowing?



Before we left we were enjoying the nice weather, as well as EVERY POSSIBLE SECOND we could with our girl before we left. Honestly, I think the cab driver that took us to the airport thought I was losing it. Lots and lots of tears.




Hope you are enjoying the weather where ever you are!!! Never been happier to be home. More thoughts on that to come.


Peace & Love